Chapter Ten | Running Away

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It was a beautiful sunny morning. It was rare these summer days this year, with You-Know-Who roaming around. I laid against the post of my bed, letting the sun seep through my window as I was reading Witch History. It was a small book, referring to the timelines of witches dating from our decade. I felt it to be very fascinating, yet I envied the fact that I had no magic like the historians in the book. I fiddled with my necklace, the black heirloom warm from my touch.

I haven't seen Snape very much. Since the unusual encounter of those mysterious women he had seen, he was distant and mostly out. I wondered why he was so flustered, he was also more cruel to me than anything. He wouldn't even touch the dinners I would make him or the tea I'd prepared. I felt like it was my fault that he was so mean, but what did I do exactly?

I heard a knock at the door. I stood from bed, straightening out my white plain t shirt and high waisted denim shorts I tucked my shirt in. I put down my book and skipped to the door, opening it to see Snape hiding behind his messy black hair. I gave him a small smile which he didn't return. I quickly changed my smile to a frown and asked, "Yes? What happened?"

"There's--" he began to say, but a mousy looking woman popped out of nowhere in your sight. "We've got something for you!" She exclaimed. It was Tonks. Her hair was a faded violet and she wore a very deep blue robes.

I opened the door fully and returned her smile. Snape rolled his eyes and drawled with his monotone voice laced with annoyance, "I told you to stay outside."

"Well," Tonks said in a confident matter-a-fact tone, "I felt like I should come and give her a warm greeting than other people around here." She was definitely referring to Snape.

Tonks looked back to me and said, "Me and the others can't be here long, but we've got a surprise for you. Come on, its outside!"

"Okay, let me grab some shoes." I said happily, grabbing some white socks and tennis shoes. I raced to put them on and walked out the door briskly. I stopped abruptly and looked back at Snape. He just stood there.l by my door, as though he was waiting for something.

"Are you coming?" I asked.

"No, I feel its best if I stay here while you play with your friends," he snarled attempting to pass through me to retreat to his quarters, but I caught his arm firmly and said, "No. Come with me." He gave me a menacing glare. My face flushed with concern and I continued, "I would prefer if you came."

"Why is that?" He said, his voice low yet smooth. I slowly let go of his arm and simply replied, "I miss your company." We stood there for a few long seconds. I looked in his eyes and blushed uncontrollably. Did I really miss his company? Sure I was lonely for the past few days when he wouldn't talk to me or appreciate the house work I put in, but to say I would enjoy his company? I guess I did.

His glare softened and he gave a deep sigh. He nodded once and I couldn't help but smile.

Severus POV

That smile.

I couldn't help it. Normally I can say no, to piss off, but her smile somewhat reeled me in. As I agreed to stay, she slid her hand around my wrist and held it gently, pulling me down the hall. I honestly felt a bit uneasy, she reminds me of a foolish school girl and saying that, as a teacher, that was very awkward. But, I followed, reluctant a bit, as she took me to the entrance where Tonks stood by the frame.

And I remembered why I didn't want to be there. Remus. He stood beside her. I was starting to wonder if this dog had a thing for this young woman. It was nauseating. I never liked this man, paraded around with Potter and his little insufferable gang. They would cast curses at me, pull pranks at me, even cost me the only woman I loved. Their well being was a sickening virus near me and I hated it deeply.

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