Chapter Thirteen | Hogsmeade and The Banquet

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I followed Severus down the curvy pavement towards the nearest village called Hosmeade. I wore a vintage yellor summer dress, my heirloom around my neck and short white heels, my hair down but pinned behind my ears. Severus wore his usual colors, but had his clerical hat shielding him from the sun rays.

I always joked to myself that he was secretly a vampire.

As we both made it to the Welcome to Hogsmeade sign, I stopped right before having Severus stop in confusion and agitation. "Do you know how bloody weather is today?" He groaned, "It's best we make it to the shops before we burn our flesh off."

"First off," I argued, "that's why I don't wear black! And second, is it safe?"

He rolled his eyes and replied, "Of course it's safe and I'm right here with you so stop gambolling around and get over it!"

Today I was going to buy new robes for myself. Most of all the clothing I had was muggle clothes and I assumed how I would blend in, it was best to look more like a witch. Dumbledore also took the liberty to help me grab some galleons from the bank for me through Fiero.

I looked beyond Severus and noticed the rows of buildings cramped together with several wizards and witches walking amongst themselves. I looked back to Severus and he had his hand held out reluncantly, waiting for my response. "Oh," I gasped and took his hand quickly and he sighed agitated and pulled my arm entwined with his and started our way into Hogsmeade.

I stayed close by him, eyeing every wizard that walked by. I fiddled with Severus's sleeve until I made a small crease in it. We walked around to find a small cottage like building called Gladrags Wizard wear. There were mannequins wearing wizard robes behind the windows of the shop. Severus escorted me inside and a tall slender black woman stopped us dead in our tracks. She was in luxurious red robes that draped over her stick like body and her sleeves fell almost to the floor. Her hair was done up half way and she wore giant ruby earrings dangling close to her shoulders. She looked as though she was in her 50's but waltzed around as though she was still so young.

"Welcome welcome," she said in a deep well mannered voice giving a curtsy, "to my gorgeous abode! My name is Madam Fiona and what brings you here?"

"Just looking for some new robes, ma'am," I said with a polite smile.

"And the best you will get! What are you looking for? Satin? Cotton? Silk? Fleece?" She said with the widest smile. Severus seemed very impatient and said in a boring tone, "We are here to look for ourselves, madam, the young woman can look for herself--"

"And of course!" Madam Fiona cut in, "And may I just say, that you both are the most beautiful couple I've seen--"

"What?" I blurted out, blushing madly.

"What a gentleman," she faced Severus who seem to be losing his temper, "how I would die for a man that would help me pick out my robes! Well, come along, darling," she grasped my arm, "I know the most wonderful robe for that body!" She started to pull me in a direction and before Severus could turn to the door to retreat, I grabbed a hold on him and he reluctantly followed.

I gave him a don't you dare leave me alone with her look and he groaned, following us with a disturbed attitude.

Madam Fiona dragged me to a rack of robes and Severus sat in a nearby plush armchair and crossed his legs and arms, looking irritated.

"Here we are--" Madam Fiona smiled as she pulled a long satin and silk red robe off the rack and shoved it in my hands. "Try this on," she cooed, pushing me towards the dressing curtains. "Wait, but--" I argued, but she pulled the curtain open, nudged me inside the closed the curtain.

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