Chapter Thirty Five | Broken

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The thought of my mother etched in my mind, her porcelain like face and fragile hands as she touched my cheeks, it almost felt like it was yesterday. But, it was now a week and here I lay in the darkness of my room, echoing in my head of why she came to see me. She knew more than what she told me and I knew, before this year ends, I will be up against the ones who tried to harm me. This is, I know, inevitable. But, as I trained my magical abilities, will I really be able to fight what's coming for me?

The only light that formed in my room was the little sunlight through the partially closed curtains along my bedside. I kept four black metal orbs above my head that weighed each a coupe to few pounds, levitating in circles. Severus asked that I exercise my mind and keep using my magic by keeping the orbs afloat, while reading any chapter books I have in the library. But, I couldn't read. my mind still pondered the fact that I have seen my mother after so many years. And, she came to warn me, as if she cared. Did she?

Suddenly, I heard a small snap and my heirloom burn against my skin for a second. I threw myself up from bed, rummaging my hands against my neck, unlatching the necklace. As I squinted at my necklace, trying to examine in the dark, I looked up and threw my hand towards the lanterns on my walls, having the flames emit and giving my room light. I looked down to my heirloom in question and my eyes widened to notice the problem. I gasped as I lost my focus and the heavy orbs fell on my bed and one to the floor, making a loud thump. I jumped up from bed and ran out the door, abruptly, running down the hallway.

I got to Severus's office in the dungeons and knocked furiously on his door. Labored breathing, I called out, "Severus? It's important!" But, to no avail, he didn't answer. Where was he?

* * * * *

Severus sat, poker faced as usual, across the table from Narcissa Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange, with Dolohov and Yaxley next to him, seated patiently. Nicolas Copperstone sat near the end, looking exhausted and worn. Severus wondered if he knew, about his wife's betrayal. The room was eery and silent, the only noise was coming from Bellatrix, who kept burning dark symbols into the marble table, giggling mad to herself, until Narcissa nudged her in the shoulder angrily. Narcissa seemed tired, having these Death Eaters in her home, and Severus didn't blame her, she wasn't really a Death Eater, but following behind her husband, who's currently rotting in Azkaban. What wives would do for the men they love, like Amelia's mother, for example.

But, Emily was not here ad it worried Severus. she was always in the meetings if Nicolas was a part of them. Bellatrix and Narcissa quieted themselves and Severus looked behind him, to notice the infamous Dark Lord, slowly approaching the table with his slithery friend behind him. Everyone kept their headed down in slight fear, whilst Bellatrix kept hers down with complete respect. Where as Severus, kept his chin high, showing respect and confidence to his master. Voldemort sat at the end of the table, Nagini slithering up the arm chair, laying its head against Voldemort's hand.

"The time is near," Voldemort hissed, "Narcissa, has your son come to a close with his task of infiltrating the school?"

"Yes, my lord," said Narcissa in a low tone as she kept her head down but glanced at Voldemort, "We have already come to the conclusion that your men can indeed go through the Vanishing Cabinet."

"And, the task? Has he came any closer on the assassination?" Voldemort asked dangerously.

"No, my lord, he had many attempts, but failed." Severus said. Voldemort's lip twitched and Bellatrix's eyes widened as she said hastily, "But, when the night comes, my lord, he will destroy the old fool! I am sure of it-"

"Silence, Bella," Voldemort snapped, "It is not up to you for that boy! He knows his role and if you want your lives, he will do it!"

Bellatrix bowed her head down quickly and Severus silently scoffed to himself. "And the squib? What is she up to this time, Severus?"

"To fight, my lord," Severus said in a bored tone, "She has mustered most control over her new abilities."

"Not for long, after we get to her." Dolohov snickered.

"The magic she possesses is an ancient magic, what she did back at the Snatcher's camp, it was remarkable. Killed a man just by looking at him!" Yaxley said astonished, "With that power, there's no need for a wand."

"Can you obtain this magic, Copperstone?" Voldemort asked quietly and everyone's eyes laid on Nicolas as he cocked an eyebrow.

"Of course, my lord!" he said hastily, "I have already figured out the bait!"

"Bait?" Severus scoffed, "Copperstone realizes now that her parents are Death Eaters. What bait do you have for her? A forgiving hug? She's alert, she'd rip a Death Eater or a Snatcher with a wave of her hand if they get to close."

"My wife." Nicolas said plainly, folding in his arms, "Followed her when she snuck out the house and caught her wandering Hogsmeade. When I cornered her, I forced the truth out of her. she went to see Amelia. And, now she'll see her again. And, Amelia will succumb."

"You will kill your wife, Copperstone?" Severus asked softly, yet cautiously.

"She's a traitor!" roared Nicolas, "Preventing our lord to have that goddamn magic! she is not my wife, no more!"

Silence fell through the dining hall and a sinister smile played against Voldemort's lips. "You will go with the others to the school, Copperstone, and retrieve that necklace. But, if you fail and bring me nothing-" Voldemort lifted his hand and Nagini slithered on top of the table, slowly approaching Nicolas with hunger in its eyes, "You will be Nagini's next sweet treat."

* * * * *

Severus apparated in front of the Hogwarts gates, bags heavily under his eyes as he walked tiredly up the stone path, the sun setting over the mountains. The year was closing and each day, he grew more exhausted thinking of the infiltration. As Severus entered the castle, figuring he'd eat quietly in his office. But, the thought of Amelia echoed in his head and he had the urge to see her. To see if she was safe, fine. And he knew she was, she had to be, living in this school.

* * * * *

I heard a knock on the door and I jumped to the door immediately after pacing around my room. I opened the door to see Severus, looking beat. "Severus!" I exclaimed as I wrapped my arms around his neck. he invited the hug, wrapping his arms around my waist. We stayed like that for some time, it didn't seem like he wanted to let go. I backed into my room, having him follow me and I closed the door behind me. "We've got a problem," I said quietly as I unlatched the heirloom off my neck, "Here." I held out the necklace to Severus which he took carefully. "Look at the jewel," I said as I grazed my fingers against it, "It's cracked. I don't know how to it happened. It got hot, then- this." Severus examined the necklace closely.

I watched him eagerly as he looked into the thin lining of the crack. The incision was one rigid crack in the middle of the jewel and in circled around it. "Well?" I asked, watching him cautiously as he gave me a concern look.

"When did this happen? What were you doing?" he asked, keeping his eyes on the heirloom. "Erm... I was just levitating the orbs you gave me to exercise my magic and then it just- cracked," I said, folding my arms in, "It just happened... Is it a problem? Will it get worse?"

"I honestly don't know of this, Amelia, but what ever it is, it may not be good." Severus said.

Author's Note:

So, it's a bit choppy. I had to get this one out of the way, so I could write more of the good stuff. It is coming to a close, so stay reading, guys! Thanks for the support. :) I will be writing the next chapter for Lost and Found. Seeya!

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