Chapter Four | Keeper

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(Author's Note):

This chapter and so forth contains different point of views. I can't just stick with Amelia's. So, yeah... I guess I wanted to clarify with that. Well, enough with this, read on.

Severus Snape

"Well," Remus spoke up killing the awkward silence, "Rely on Severus to make this situation much more to be a problem."

I scoffed. How else was she going to be told? Sugar coating a death was just inevitable. It wasn't like I was exactly in a good mood to have this woman attacking me in my own mother's robes. It would give me damn nightmares to be fact.

Wasn't like I wanted her to be in her clothes, that wretched Tonks just rummaged through my (what use to be) parents' quarters and whipped it out for the squib. Never even asked me, though why should I waste my strength on scolding her? She never uses her head either.

"Severus," said Albus as he stood up, "I do need to have a word--" he looked at the remaining party "--if you all could please apparate to the Weasley's. This conversation is private."

Remus, Tonks, and the others looked back at me one last time with relief thinking Albus will scold me soon, they apparated from the room.

"Now, there is a matter I need to ask of you. And this is very important." Albus sat back down gesturing for me to sit across from him in my armchair. I sat and spoke out, "Albus. I do apologize for my sudden outburst--"

"No need to apologize to me. Its to Amelia you should be apologizing to."

I nodded curtly and bit my tongue.

"Now," Albus said, "As I was saying. You have informed me that Voldemort is considering Peter Pettigrew to be staying with you for close observation. Now, Severus, I cannot allow that. I cannot risk having my only eyes and ears to be watched so delicately. I would like for Amelia to stay here instead."

I was flabbergasted. "I would think having Pettigrew here gives me leisure towards The Dark Lord. And she is being hunted--"

"I know, but if Voldemort has someone here, I will be out of reach.  And if I leave her here, that will mean I have close watch over your home."


"And Voldemort can't send Pettigrew here as the Order and I will apprehand him. I will also put a protection charm over the house."

"You will risk the girl's life so I wouldn't be watched?"

"If it is my order, you must follow. It will show Voldemort of how much loyalty and trust I show for you. We need Voldemort to think that betraying me will be much easier."

"This seems absurd, how will I have The Dark Lord take this? Surely he wanted to capture this girl. She is a squib, a disgrace to pure bloods, using magic that is not her right-- in my home! He will not be easy to persuade."

"You are a great Oclummence, Severus, you will convince him, I'm sure."

This is crazy. How am I suppose to do this? Albus is a great wizard, but his plans were insane. But, then again to have Pettigrew here would have me explode.

After a lingering silence, I answered, "Yes. I'll do what I can."

Albus smiled gently and stood from his chair, I did the same.

"Ah," he cooed, "don't forget to apologize to poor Amelia. Buy her flowers. She will be your new roommate. And you are now her keeper. Take care of her. Right now, you are the only one she has."

(Author's Note):

Yes. It's short.

But I write pretty frequently so I hope you enjoy. I have no idea if this is going slow or not, like I said, I do not like getting straight to it. But I hoped you enjoy. Any votes, comments, and suggestions are great.

I am also alternating what happens in the book. Just a bit.

Thanks for reading.

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