Chapter Sixteen | Just A Hunch

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(Author's Note):

I'd like to say that I am grateful for the votes and support you lot are giving me. Thanks for reading and to the frequent voters. I really do appreciate it.

Well, enough with the sappy shit. Let's read.


I was eternally grateful.

He's there when I need him, aside of his cranky attitude and dark disposition. And, I think I may be falling in love.

Oh, crap! What am I saying? Aside of the possibility I could ever be rejected by this man, I'm also a squib and I have never heard in record a wizard ever falling for such a disgrace.

Squibs aren't allowed to walk among witches and wizards, we're treated like muggles! My parents have even discarded me like a used tissue! What wizard in their right mind be able to look me in the eye and tell me I'm not worthless?

Severus would... Severus actually did.

But, he's not safe, people tell me.

He can't be trusted, they say.

But he's been the only one that I feel secured and assured to be with.

Though if what they say could ever be true, he is only just a broken man.

And I am but a tarnished damsel.

Charity ended up bringing the grading papers I left in her office to Horace's class in the dungeons. Severus and I are talking again, taking small walks around the courtyards, or having breakfast in his quarters. It was nice knowing that we were friends again, but I ached for more.

I've been in the library a few times, searching about spirits and possessions. I felt as though I was going crazy, feeling cold chills and creepy feelings, but if I am not insane, then I have a bit of a ghost problem. I always thought to myself if there are ghosts walking visibly among us, what if there was invisible ghosts? I mean, it would make sense... Right?

It was the weekend, I was walking along the Transfiguration Courtyard, watching the autumn leaves break off the branches and floating towards the grass.

I was wearing a red pull over sweater and a orange scarf, blue jeans and brown uggs. I had a long wool brown robe hugging around me, keeping warm from the cold. I stopped to look up at the sugar maple tree that sat in the corner of the courtyard. As I looked up to see the branches, my eyes caught the light of the sun's rays and the flash of a single memory of red leaves falling from a white blank sky crossed my mind.

I looked down, feeling like the air was knocked right out of me, feeling a rush of dizziness. I stumbled and took a deep breath, shaking my head to relieve the images. I sighed, curious of why those images replayed in my mind.

"What's wrong with you?" I heard a voice behind me and I spun around.

"Oh! Charity." I gasped as Charity walked towards me wearing her different shades of brown trousers and shirt with a vest full of patches and a brown laced shoes.

"Hello to you too," she shrugged, "What's with the weird moves?"

"Nothing, I tripped in a hole." I lied.

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