Chapter Twenty Three | Severus Snape

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(Author's Note):

This is dedicated to KEKamiko, a whole chapter on one point of view and you did inspire me to do so, so here you go.

I watched Amelia and Burbage through the window of my room in the inn. I leaned against the pane as I kept my arms crossed. The windows were frosting from the cold morning and I could see how Amelia and Burbage kept arms linked and luggage's clung to their hands as they trotted to their now fixed vehicle.

I took a step back as I saw Amelia's eyes trail up towards the inn to my window. I backed into the shadows as I watched her stand in place. It took a few seconds till she looked away and followed Burbage.

She was insufferable, foolish to make a daring decision to battle the Dark Lord, she has no idea what he is capable of and knows nothing of what she is capable of herself. I wondered to myself of how far I'd go protecting her. How long till I fail to keep her safe like how I failed to keep Lily...


I grunted, shivering at the thought of that auburn red hair, those emerald green eyes...

I couldn't imagine to drive Amelia into the same demise. I was finally finished packing my things and latched the locks. I headed down to the receptionist which I paid my last entry fee and apparated back to the gates of Hogwarts. As I looked up to the castle, it felt like its been another summer since I've been there. Being with Amelia felt longer than I would've thought. But, I couldn't bear to regret it, she was remarkable.

A Supremus, last one in her bloodline.

I knew her mother, Emily was a witch and couldn't possibly possess the power of the Supremus. I still remember that night a couple weeks ago when I stepped into the Copperstone Manor and discovered that Amelia's parents were involved with her kidnapping.

"An outrage, My Lord," Nicolas Copperstone spoke at the round marble table he, his wife Emily, the Dark Lord, the Carrows , Lestrange, and I sat while Pettigrew corrowed in the corner, watching in exasperation.

"A disgrace my wife had to be cursed to bore. Now, that wretched baby sitter has stole our treasures thinking that our daughter is the rightful spawn. My Lord, you must help us retrieve what is ours!"

"Silence!" The Dark Lord hissed and Nicolas bowed his head in fear. My gaze reached Emily who sat shoulders slouched, her head down to her fiddling hands in her lap. "Now," You-Know-Who continued, "Why should I waste my resources and time on your petty cries?"

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