Chapter Twelve | Belonging Somewhere

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I woke up from the sunlight that peeked through the drapes of the window. I rubbed my eyes, trying to get a focus of my surroundings. I lazily sat up and quickly remembered I was in Severus's bed. I looked around, whipping my head towards the couch and noticed Severus was not in the room at all. I plopped back down and took a deep breath.

I started to drink in the satin fabrics of the bed, and rolled in it with such care free of the world. He slept comfortably, I'd give him that. But then again, I would too if I was as busy as that man. I pushed myself up with my arms, kicking my feet over the bed. As I stretched my arms upwards, I noticed something from the corner of my eye.

There, laying by the bedroom door was two trunks. I stood from the bed and walked towards them, noticing that they were my trunks. I smiled, seeing a small envelope sitting on top one trunk and picked it up, ripping open the seal.


I have recovered your wardrobe this morning.

Feel free to shower, the washroom is behind the fireplace. I will be back momentarily.


I put the envelope down confused and moved towards the fireplace. I looked around it and saw no door, but he had mentioned that the washroom was behind it. I started to the side of the fireplace, feeling along the stone wall and jumped up as it shook. The stones shuffled away into each other as the fireplace moved away from the wall. Eventually it halted, showing an arch door.

I stood there amazed and laughed to myself. That was amazing.

I grabbed my clothes and shampoo and body wash from my trunks and opened the arch door, stairs leading a few feet down. I walked down the steps slowly to find myself on a round stone room. There was a marbled sink attached to a red wood cabinet and a matching mirror above it. An antique bathtub sat on the other side along with an antique toilet. A gold rack of black towels and a redwood cupboard with a glass door above the toilet, showing off a variety of different bottles of colognes and bath stuff.

I sat my clothes and things by the sink and started the bath.

It was very relaxing to be honest. I laid in the hot bath for a long while before I finally washed my hair and body. I drained the water and grabbed a towel, drying my body then wrapping my hair up in it. I started off with my underwear and bra and wiggled in a low cut white long sleeve shirt and slipped on light blue denim overalls with a pleaded skirt down to my knees. I rolled on some knee high white socks and straightened out my outfit.

I couldn't help, but open the cupboard of different colognes. There were a handful of those inside the cupboard and I grabbed one by one, smelling the top of them. They were captivating, wondering if Severus worn them everyday. I sighed and chuckled to myself as I sprits a small amount of a specific cologne on my wrist and rubbed it in. I put the cologne away and climbed up the stairs.

Severus POV

I pointed at the knob of my door to my bedroom, whispering the password only I could say. I opened the door, noticing the washroom door visible. She was probably down there bathing. It was ten in the morning, I pushed open the curtains to let the sunlight brighten the room.

I noticed the bed was kept unmade and I smirked. Dirty girl, I thought snickering outloud and moved towards the bed. As I laid my hands on the sheets, the instant image of her laying in it with nothing but her undergarments had me shaken. I stood up abruptly and cupped my hands against my face, wondering why such an image polluted my mind.

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