Chapter Twenty Five | The Truth

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I didn't know how to tell Severus, or how he would tell me. I didn't know what to expect if he decided to tell me the truth. But, here I was, walking in the dead of night to his quarters, through empty corridors. I held the heirloom in my palm to my chest, walking down with just the lanterns posted on the wall lighting my way.

I got to the dungeons, but Severus was not in his quarters. Sighing in disappointment, I turned to leave.

"BOOGA BOOGA!" I heard a screech and I gasped of fright. A huge gust of wind pushed me off my feet and fell right on my back. I groaned in pain and looked up as I saw the annoying Peeves floating over me clutching his stomach with laughter.

"Hee hee hee, ho ho ho!" He squealed in laughter and I pushed myself up with anger.

"How in the bloody hell do you reckon that was funny!?" I exclaimed as I rubbed my back.

"Melly the Squiby, scared outta her panties!" Giggled Peeves and my cheeks burned red.

"Shut it, Peeves!" I growled, "And keep it down! No one knows I'm a--"

"Melly the Squiby! Melly the Squiby!" Peeves blurted out as he spun around me.

"Stop!" I snapped and threw my arm at him. He gasped and froze, actually he froze like a popsicle because he wasn't moving at all. I pulled my arm back and looked at him skeptically. He had a shocked look on his face and his hair stood on end.

"Peeves! You damned fool--" roared the Bloody Baron as he zoomed through a wall our way. I took a step back from the sudden surprise and the Baron looked utterly confused when he saw Peeves. "What in bloody hell--?" He questioned bewildered, "He seems petrified!"

"Wha--? No! How--?" I sputtered and gasped. Did I do that? "Uh..."

The Bloody Baron then shrugged and said, "Well, he gots what he deserves. The stupid bloke throws pranks left and right."

I nodded quickly in agreement and said, "Sir Baron, would you know where Severus is?"

He looked at me questionably and said, "He's got a student in detention in his classroom up on the third floor."

I groaned and thought of all the stairs I had to climb. "Thank you," I mumbled and gave one last look at Peeves, then left.

I got to the classroom and knocked. I heard footsteps until the door swung open and it was a Gryffindor student which she wore latex gloves and a cloth mask. I raised an eyebrow as I peered inside to see cauldrons lined up on a table. The Gryffindor took off her mask and said outloud in the class, "Professor! Its Miss Copperstone!"

She opened the door wider and I saw Severus walk out of his office and stopped at the end of the stairs.

"You may go, Miss Cullen and I assume I would not catch you slacking off in my class again?" He said sharply and the Gryffindor nodded. She grabbed her things and left, but I could tell she couldn't wait to leave. As I closed the door behind the eager Gryffindor, I clapped my hands together and walked slowly to Severus's direction.

"Thank you," I said, "For the gift. I really love it. I had a cauldron once, but it was small and danty and for the iron, it was a bit chipped and scarred."

Severus took a deep breath and walked to his desk and said, "Your welcome, Amelia. I have noticed you using the school cauldrons that one time I strolled into Horace's classroom. I reckon it would do you good, considering your passion."

"It's really great, thank you!" I smiled and walked to his desk, sitting on the edge.

"Severus..." I started, but he moved from his desk and started to wave his wand, levitating the cauldrons to a empty station and placing them neatly. "Erm... Severus?" I spoke up and he stood there for a good while. I wasn't sure if I should interrupt what ever he was doing or thinking about.

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