Chapter Thirty Four | Unexpected Company

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It was noon, I decided to sleep in on this weekend and stretched my feet out of my sheets to feel the cool chilly air. I pushed my messy hair out of my face and sat up in bed, squinting my eyes to adjust my vision from the bright light shining through the window. I yawned deeply and kicked my feet off the bed, stretching my arms out. I could gear the birds chirping outside my window as they flew by and I had a feeling this day would be a great day.

I walked out of bed and took a hot shower. I wore my hair in curls and I applied pink lipstick and blush. I threw on my baby blue sun dress and brown sandals, planting a white sun hat on my head. Today was Saturday, when all the students and staff parade off to Hogsmeade. And, it would be my first day to join the staff since the incident with the snatchers. I didn't dare to go back there, but since Dumbledore has assigned new guards there since the Katy Bell incident and my kidnapping, it's been safer. As what Severus believes and he would be escorting me there, so I would feel more secure. But, the thought of him sitting with a table full of his peers drinking nothing but fire whiskey and brandy, would be pretty entertaining for me, though devastating for him.

I made sure my heirloom was around my neck, pulling my purse over my shoulder with little phials of exploding potions in it until I left my room. As I opened my door, I took a step back to see Severus right in front of me, his hand raised as though he was going to knock. "Severus! Good morning," I smiled, leaning into the doorframe.

"As if you mean the afternoon?" He drawled sarcastically and I rolled my eyes playfully. "It's what I see it as." I shrugged and linked my arm with his, "Escorting me to the Great Hall, I assume?"

"Like every Saturday afternoon when you sleep in and miss half the day," he said as he accepted my arm and we walked down the hall, "We shall eat lunch. Then, head into Hogsmeade. If you can muster the strength."

"Of course, with you by my side," I smiled and he gave me a small smile. It felt right, being arms linked to Severus, escorting me to the Great Hall. Students would look at us and wonder if we were a couple... And, I thought that myself. We never managed to label ourselves as such, we never showed sexual attraction in front of anyone, may walk around for everyone to see, though. But, I didn't care. I liked him by my side. And, I could tell he was use to it, too.

We headed into the Great Hall, students running around, excited to head into Hogsmeade. Severus and I ate our lunch and wen to make our way to the little village, until I felt someone pull my ear.

"Ow!" I yelped and Charity jumped into view.

"Oh, caught red handed?" She said innocently and I glared at her, "What? Oh, that didn't hurt! Besides, going off without me? Severus didn't tell you?"

I cocked an eyebrow and looked at Severus, who rolled his eyes distastefully. "He must've forgotten..." I muttered, "What happened?"

"Stefan is coming into town today!" She squealed, "I wanted us four to come together and have a little double date--"

"More like just congregating to the pub." Severus corrected her with a snake like glare. I stifled a laugh and said, "I think that's a great idea, Charity." I felt I'd be very amused today, watching Severus to be out of his comfort zone, but is this too rash? No, I don't think so.

We took the train to Hogsmeade, getting off to see Charity fly into her boyfriend, Stefan's arms. She snogged him generously, which obviously had Severus and I both out of the comfort zone. "This may have been a bad idea after all," I whispered to Severus, keeping an eye and smile towards the wild couple.

"I'm sure by the time they're shagging on the bar of The Three Broomsticks, would give us the best opportunity to run," Severus said quietly and I choked on my own laughter. "It's good to see you again, Stefan," I smiled, reaching my hand out. Stefan ripped his face from Charity's, giving me a broad toothy smile and shook my hand. "Oh, yes. Hello, Amelia." He focused on Severus and held out his hand, "Stefan Scourage. And you are..?"

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