Chapter Thirty Three | Coming To Terms

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Author's Note

And here we are! Finally, right? And I think this story is closer to its end. And if so, I am so excited! :) And as a treat, I will be publishing a new book soon, after this season. So enjoy!

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A second chance...

I didn't feel much for a celebration though. Charity gave me a congratulating gift; which was a new mixtape she had stowed away for years. I laid in bed the afternoon after the interview, my legs dangling over my bedside. My hair was scattered on a pillow and I wore a white gown with red and pink floral designs that covered down to my ankles. The mixtape Charity had given me was playing Let It Be by Elton John as I sulk in my sheets.

Severus had saved my arse and to be honest, he's done that way too often. I couldn't handle the feeling of wanting him as I was trying to push him away. He was dangerous, he may have rescued me, but it was him to have me locked up. Though... It was him who saved me from that same demise last night.

I sat up from bed, groaning at my own thoughts. I forced myself up, standing. I've got to do something about this.

Soon enough, I found myself walking to Severus's office. I walked down the spiral staircase towards the dungeons. The halls were full of Slytherin students, walking and talking among themselves. I got the nastiest glares and I expected it anyway. Slytherins were ruthless when it came to squibs. I was looked at like I was part of a freakshow, the largest woman or something.

"This school is going to shit!" I heard a shout from the distance. I turned around, but with all the students, I couldn't point out who would've said it. I sighed and continued to Severus's office, ignoring their slanter. I stood in front of his door, my hand clutched against my chest. I took deep breaths and realized how stupid it would be for me to knock. After all, I told everyone myself we wouldn't speak to each other again.

Suddenly I felt a ice cold chill run down my back and I screamed in shock. I sucked in my breath to realize someone has splashed water on my back. My muscles clenched as I looked around hastily to find a culprit behind it. All the students were snickering and pointing their fingers. I felt my face turn red as I pulled my wet hair over my shoulder.

"Who done it?" I shouted, my anger blistering through.most students laughed while others shrugged as though they didn't know a thing. I huffed and clenched my fists. They watched me as if I was a joke, but their expression slowly faded away. I heard the door behind me shut and I spun around. Severus stood right behind me, eyeing my wet hair and glared at the crowd of Slytherin students.

"Fifty points from Slytherin!" He growled, "For such delinquency towards a professor. And, I demand you lot to write a hundred word apology to Professor Copperstone and sent to her. I will monitor, along with a tomorrow night curfew at five o' clock."

The whole hall erupted in groans and they scurried off in different directions. I looked up at Severus in complete awe, but shook it off. Severus opened his door wider and walked in his office, ushering me inside without a word. He walked over to his desk and sat tiredly, rubbing the bridge of his nose. He leaned into his desk with one elbow and gave me a gently stare. I stood there, quite dumbfounded and tried to think carefully of what I would say to him. The silence was unbearably awkward and I said quietly, "Thank you for that." I pursed my lips.

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