Chapter Twenty Eight | Taken

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Author's Note

I know, wrote this all quick. But, to let you know, I've been wanting to write this chapter for a long time :D sooo excited! Finally, I got to get this far! Thank you lot for enjoying this book and supporting me along the way, I'm eternally grateful. <3

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It's cold.
Its so cold...

I struggled to open my eyes as I felt my back cold as ice. I found myself laying on my back, with just my white blouse and heans , now gathered and dirty. I had no shoes nor my socks so my feet were numb from the icy concrete. I couldn't manage to pull myself up, too weak and in pain. Every time I would move a muscle, it felt like I haven't moved it in a year, stiff and painful. I felt metal scratching my ankles and as I struggled to pick up my head, I noticed I was shackled with thick chains to a wall. I gasped as I push myself up, wincing as I moved my legs towards me. I felt like I was in a nightmare, but this felt too real. I moved my fingers to my chest and found no heirloom.

I gasped, pushing my hands against my chest and neck, but to no avail. I cried out in agony and I heard snickering in the distance. I looked up and took in my surrounding. I was in what looked like a prison cell, all four walls confiding me were concrete and a barred door. I heard water dripping from the ceiling, wondering if I was underground. There were no windows, just complete darkness, other than the light barely reaching the barred door.

I heard footsteps and I cowered, crawling backwards to a wall. A man, dressed in black wearing a black beanie came to the door, leaning on it with a devilish grin. He looked very familiar and I stammered, "Who are you? Wh-Where am I?"

He just laughed, glaring at me intensively.

"Oy! Ye didn't know we would catch ye', eh? But, there was a huge reward for ye', girl. An' it wasn't very hard to do so," he cackled. I shivered in the cold as I watched him cautiously. I started to remember that day, when Severus led me to a room... Oh no.

"Severus!" I yelled as I stumbled to the barred door, "Severus!"

"He won't hear ye, ye stupid squib!" He snapped with a smile, "he ain't here for miles!"

I felt hot tears roll down my icy cheeks. I let out a cry and the man hushed me. "Don' cry! Like I said, he ain't here for miles to hear ye. Ye are one pathetic little shit. So save ye tears for what ever is comin' for ye." He lifted himself off the bars and left, leaving a sinister laugh behind him.

I couldn't believe, Severus would trick me into going to the snatchers. And worse of all, they had my heirloom. I had no power, no magic. Ye stupid squib! Replaying in my head.

Yes, I was.

Once again, a stupid squib.

* * * * *

I had no idea how long I've been in here. Felt like days. My lips were cracked and dry, my body barely moving. I was leaning into the corner of the cell, watching my toes as I tried to move them. My skin was stained with dust and dirt from the floor, small blisters forming. I haven't eaten, my stomach felt like an empty hole and it clenched with pain.

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