Chapter Thirty Two | Interview Unexpected

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Author's Note

10K views! Woot woot! Thanks for the support, votes, and lovely comments. :) And reading of course. Any typos? Let me know... I could've missed some. Thanks

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Tonight was the interview between Minister Scrimgeour and I. And, it hasn't been easy here at Hogwarts either. I returned to my dormitory, the door sabotaged and vandalized with the words "filthy squib". Argus has replaced my door and assured me he and Miss Norris would figure out the culprit. But, I hardly think that was possible. It was no doubt one of the Slytherins trying to spook me, but several other students from other houses despite me working with Potions. It was against nature, they say. I didn't deserve this privilege, I shouldn't be here. I should be working labor just like Argus, they whisper loud enough for me to hear.

But, there was support. Some students like the idea that I worked as a Potions Assistant, like I had every right to be here. But, it's up to the Minister. To the Ministry.

I sat at my desk as Horace gave out the new Potions assignment. I stayed sitting to avoid the class, mainly because it was Slytherins and Gryffindors. I graded papers quietly, not daring to look up at any student who's eyes lingered my way. It was the last class and when it was over, I stood from my seat and walked to the door, readying myself for the interview.

"Disgraceful," I heard Draco Malfoy as he passed me by through the door, "If I was the Minister, I'd just lock her up now and get it over with." He was loud on purpose. His friends beside him snickered and we met eye contact. "Dirty squib, she'll get what's coming to her." I narrowed my eyes as they walked down the corridor. I lifted my hand and nonchalantly pulled it down, having his bookbag he had over his shoulder to fall with great force and had him crash his back into the floor.

"Draco!" Squealed Pansy as she grasped his arm, trying to pull him up, "Are you okay?"

Gryffindors laughed as they passed by and a satisfied smirk played along my lips. "Having fun?" I heard a cool voice behind me. I spun around in surprise to see Secerus a foot behind me. I glared at him profoundly. "You have no idea of what I'm going through," I snapped quietly, turning my heel.

"You have no idea yourself, Miss Copperstone," he said monotonously, though I could hear the venom dripping off his remark. I turned around, but he was gone, turning a nearby corner.

I blushed a bright red, but anger filled my current emotion as I bustled away, fuming.

I dressed in my muggle attire, a royal blue blazer and matching skirt right above the knee, a white blouse with a frill collar, and black heels with clear stockings. I pinned my hair up, having bouncy thick curls falling over my shoulders, putting on dark red lipstick and light shadow and eyeliner. I stood up straight, fixing myself as I looked in the body mirror. I wanted to look very professional, but I wasn't afraid to hide as an outsider as I wear my muggle clothing. Everyone knew I was a squib, no point on covering up now. I pulled on my white silk gloves tightly and tucked in my heirloom underneath my shirt.

I then looked at the picture of my Nana and I, in the pub I worked at. I sat slowly in front of my vanity mirror, grazing my fingers against the moving picture, a single tear rolling down my cheek. "Be there with me, Nana." I whispered.

I opened my vanity drawer to wipe my tears to avoid messing with my make up and grasped a handkerchief. As I wiped the tears before they ran down my cheeks, I felt the engraved symbols on the handkerchief. I pulled the handkerchief to get a better view and noticed the S. Snape engraved. I couldn't help, but smirk. His handkerchief... I always wondered why a man like that kept one. But, I slowly frowned as I thought of Severus.

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