Chapter Nineteen | The Red Woods (Part One)

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It was Friday afternoon, I sat across from Dumbledore, fiddling with my hands. He finally finished his paperwork that took only a few minutes and looked up at me with sincere eyes.

"I apologize for the slight delay, Amelia, its a lot of work being the headmaster." He said as he entwined his hands together and rested them on his desk.

"No worries, Albus, I have a request. Its actually about my heirloom I had since Gringotts." I said.

"Oh yes, I remember, what is it that you ask of?"

"Oh... Well... I've been having strange dreams since I had it. Dreams of the Red Woods."

"Since when did you have these dreams?" He asked curiously.

I stopped myself. "Well, since... Actually even before the necklace," I remembered my nightmare back at Severus's home, "I've actually had these dreams before I had the necklace. But, they've been more occurring since I came here to Hogwarts. And I've been feeling that someone's been watching me. I don't exactly know what is going on, but I do believe it has to do with the heirloom."

Dumbeldore gave me a skeptical look.

"Dreams... Before the necklace? It seems you've been foreseeing in your dreams and the necklace has enhanced it. But, the curious thing is that you are a squib. Squibs cannot foresee any kind of visions like that. And you are sure it's The Red Woods?"

"I feel like I would dream what I would naturally dream, but then leaves would fall and the woods would appear." Have I been having visions? Aside of being a squib? How would that be possible?

"I don't know what's going on, Albus, but I would like to figure this out. I ask if I could leave Hogwarts and find The Red Woods. So I could further figure out what is going on."

"Leaving Hogwarts is dangerous, Amelia." He warned.

"Charity Burbage said she'd go with me."

"Even she isn't safe, knowing the threats she's been getting."

"Please, Albus." I pleaded, "these dreams and strange occurrences won't stop! I have to figure out what this all means!"

Dumbledore gave me a long stare, I couldn't read his expression. He nodded once and said, "I feel either way you would go. But, I do warn you to be careful. We've protected you long enough, we don't want you hurt. I advise you to take your car, its down by Hagrid's hut. When will you be leaving?"

"Tomorrow morning, sir. And I'll be back by Sunday night."

Dumbledore nodded. "Well, I hope you find what you're looking for, Amelia. And be safe."


I packed a few vials of potions I made during this week for extra protection. I had a handful of everything; blood replenishing, bomb fragments, essence of dittany, and a few healing herbs that Pomona gave me just in case.

I pulled my leather satchel over my head and walked to the vanity dresser. I grazed my fingers against the wooden surface of my jewelry box and opened it slowly. I stared at my heirloom long and hard before I gently pulled it out by the silver chain. I grabbed a small brown jewelry box and empties the little jewelry I had in it into my jewelry box and his the heirloom in it. I stashed it in my satchel and before leaving I straightened out the blue blouse and fixed my light blue jeans.

I pulled on a gray wool robe with a large hood and grabbed my luggage and walked out the bedroom venturing to Hagrid's.

As I reached the bottom of the hill, breathing in a cold breeze of autumn, I saw a glimpse of a heavily clothed Charity shakily smoking her cigarette with her arms crossed standing by Hagrid's who looked snugged his big scratchy wool scarf that was multiple fall colors and string pulled from its fabric.

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