Chapter Thirty One | Home Sweet Home

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It was the middle of January.

The safest way to cross back to Hogwarts safely was to go through the floo network. I had my trunk of clothes, my heirloom wrapped around my neck as I stood in front of the fireplace. "Are... Are you sure I can do this?" I looked back at Tonks as Molly and Arthur stood behind her, shoulders linked. "As long as you're wearing that necklace, you'd be able to pass through. It'll be fun, I promise." Tonks smiled.

I put down my trunk and reached out for Molly and Arthur, giving them a hug. "Thank you for your hospitality." I said and Molly hugged me back tightly. "It was no problem at all, honey! Be safe, you hear?" I nodded with a wide smile and looked at Arthur.

"Are you sure you're ready?" Asked Arthur quietly, "Severus will be there as well." My smile dropped to a small frown, but I shrugged. "I'll be fine, what can happen?" I said.

"Okay, I think it's time to go. Dumbledore opened the passageway by now. Let's go before it's too late." Tonks said as she tugged on my arm. "All you've got to do is grab a handful of the floo powder and stand inside the fireplace." I awkwardly grabbed the handful of floo powder from the jar Tonks held out to me, feeling the ash running down between my fingers. I tilted my head, walking into the fireplace and faced them nervously.

"Now, deep breath and say clearly, Headmaster Office and drop the ashes to the floor." Tonks said, "I'll be right behind you." I adored and was grateful for Tonks, she personally asked The Order to escort me back to Hogwarts, she was a sweetheart.

I cleared my throat and called, "Headmaster Office." I dropped the ash and a green flame engulfed me. I felt the rapid twists and turns like apparition, but thankfully not as bad. I found myself in front of Dumbeldore's fireplace, where Dumbledore himself sat at his desk, awaiting my return. Tonks came next, coughing from the ash and dusted herself off. I looked down to notice I was covered in ash as well. I smiled and said, "That was brilliant! I actually did it!"

"Many perks of wearing that birthright you have, Amelia," Dumbledore said as he stood from his chair, "You seem to be feeling better and thank you, Tonks, for bringing her back safely to her abode."

"No problem, my pleasure." Tonks said, "I'll be going back to Remus. If you need anything, Amelia, just owl me. I'll be here in a jiffy!" She gave a big smile and embraced me with a tight hug. I hugged her back and said, "Thank you so much, Tonks." Tonks left through the floo network and Dumbledore raised his hand and the flames of the fireplace exploded, erupting into blue flames, indicating he locked the portal.

"Amelia, come and sit." Dumbledore said as an armchair magically scooted from a wall in front of his desk. I put down my trunk by the chair and sat down quietly, awaiting his conversation.

Dumbledore sat on the corner of his desk table, folding his hands on his lap and giving me avcaring, yet concerned look. "You've been through so much," he started, "The ordeal you endured and survived from is just the beginning of what you are expecting now, Amelia. How are you feeling?"

"I'm quite alright, Albus," I assured him, "Poppy has brought me back to health and the Weasleys been nothing but good to me."

"Good, and are you utmost sure you can continue as a Potions Assistant here? You do have a chance on hiding away till the war is over. I can arrange that."

"No... I mean, I've thought it, but Hogwarts is now my home. I can't leave."

"There has been quite a stir since you've left though. The Ministry has found out about the snatchers' schemes and the Daily Prophet found out you've been taken. After the escape, it seems Voldemort's death eaters informed the Daily Prophet of who you are. Seems like they want to weaken you by lowering your status."

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