Chapter Twenty Six | Christmas Party

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It's been a and half week since Severus told me the truth and it was enough for me. I couldn't stand to see the pain in his eyes to tell me of his past and either way he would've put it, I would still be by his side. It was December, around four this afternoon; I was in Horace's office, checking off the items that we needed for the Christmas party tonight and made sure everything was accordingly to plan. I held onto my clipboard tightly as some of Horace's men that worked for other popular wizarding events set up floating orb lights and the golden curtains. Some men against the walls were making an expansion charm which would make the room times bigger.

"Merlin's beard, its looking just like I pictured it would be," Horace boomed as he walked through his office door and made his way towards me, "You have outdone yourself, my dear, again and again!"

"Oh," I smiled awkwardly, "I've just been keeping an eye out. It's these helpful men you should be thanking." I pointed out the three men, holding orbs and using their wands to levitate them as two other push in tables and chairs. Horace eaved at them with a hearty smile and said, "Great job, chaps! Keep it up!" Then he faced me eagerly and asked, "I was wondering Amelia. Are you bringing anyone special tonight? I've given you a plus one!"

"I don't know much of anyone, but people here, Horace," I mentioned as I clutched the clipboard and he patted my shoulder heavily.

"Well, I don't want to pry into your business, dear, but I at least would of thought Severus would accompany you. Though he didn't seem too interested in going when I asked him to attend tonight--"

"I never really thought of asking him," I squeaked nervously and quickly walked to another diside of the room to count the crystal glasses on the serving table to distract myself.

"Of course you didn't, it's not right for a lady to ask the gentleman! But, as I know Severus since he was just a lad, he wasn't much for talking to the ladies. Except-- for one other girl..."

"What?" I spun around quickly and looked at him surprised, "Who was she?"

"Oh, one of my best students! I would see him try to sit with her during my events. Was a strange picture, a Slytherin and a Gryffindor--"

"What was her name?" I asked impatiently and he gave me a confused look, but quickly chuckled and said, "My girl, trying to know the competition, I see? Well, God bless her soul, she's was..." He frowned and whispered softly as he inched closer to me, "Was murdered... By You-Know-Who. It was Lily Potter, Harry's mother!"

I gasped and covered my mouth. I dropped the clipboard and and Horace nodded in disappointment. "It was a trajedy... But, Severus cared for her like a friend. Despite their rivalry. He was a nice boy, just... Well..."

"It's fine, Horace, I don't feel like much more of these details," I said sheepishly and picked up the clipboard and any papers that fell out of it.

"Don't be telling anyone though, Amelia. I've never really exposed that and I don't think Severus would like anyone to know he was friends with a Gryffindor." He said.

Friend. Right.

After sorting out what needed to be done for the party tonight, I walked to Severus's office where he usually stays in at this time. As I walked down the Grand Staircase, I heard a cackling laugh in front of the Great Hall.

"Peeves!" I heard a few kids yelling. I peeked behind the wall to see Peeves with a metal pail of water, laughing as he swirled around a few first years trying to get into the Great Hall. He was going to dump water on them.

"Hey!" I shouted as I walked down the stairs, "Let the kids eat in peace!"

Peeves looked up and his expression changed to  fear as he saw me. "Not again, not again!" He gasped and dropped the pail of water which splashed all over the floor and missed the students. He flew swiftly pass me as fast as he could and went through the wall.

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