Chapter Eleven | Hogwarts

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(Author's Note):

I honestly think you will like this chapter. I had fun typing this one down honestly. I do hope you all had a good Christmas as well and New Year. Enjoy reading.


I couldn't express how I was feeling.

As I drove to the direction where Severus led me to towards the infamous school of witchcraft, I couldn't help but to be distracted by him. Every word or gesture he made, I had the sudden urge to watch his every move. The way his hair fell towards his face or how he spilled his words out of his mouth. I felt like I was hypnotized by his every intimation, difficult for me to fly in the right direction with my car.

I had a slight idea of how I felt. And I was frightened to know of my sudden emotion. Can I confess in my own mind that I had a deep feeling for this man? I have only known him for so long and spent only a minimum of a time with him. But, I ache to know him more.

It didn't take much longer for us to reach Hogwarts; we flew above the Forbidden Forest to notice our destination. I was relieved, to know we have finally made it to safety. I harshly landed towards the, what Snape called it, the stone circle. We walked out of the car and I watched Snape swirl his wand and pointed it down the Suspension bridge. A bright blue light emitted from his wand and a bright sillhoutte of a doe jumped out, hopping down the bridge.

"A patronus..." I said breathlessly as a walked up next to him as we both watched his patronus in the distance, "I have never seen one in my life before."

Severus pocketed his wand and looked down to me, "I sent it to Albus so he knows we're here. Come along, I'll take you to his office."

I followed Severus through the Suspension bridge, aweing at every little thing I was catching a glimpse at. I grabbed a hold of his arm as he walked into the clock tower. "Oh!" I couldn't help my excitement. Severus stopped at my sudden action, but gave a half smile and held onto my grasp, patting my hand with his hand.

"A child in a candy parlor..." He whispered and I blushed uncontrollably. I noticed what I have done and thinking of letting go, he had a grasp on me also. My breathing got heavy, but I looked down, hoping he wouldn't notice.

Severus started naming the sights of every place we ended up in. Quite frankly, I'm surprised we weren't lost because this castle was humongous. And the wear it does on your feet, I was glad I wasn't wearing any of my heels today.

"Woah, I am not walking up that." I said, plain and simple, tightening my grip with Severus. "It's the Grand Staircase," he said rolling his eyes, "This is how every staff and student makes it to their classes on time and their dormitories before nightfall. Its the most sufficient way to go anywhere."

"The staircases are moving! What if it moves and I take a step?"

"All the staircases know when you will take a step or not. Though they do have a mind of their own... Never mind that. Foolish girl, its safe!"

He practically pulled me up the staircases and I kept my hesitation with every step. He seemed tired of walking and stopping and it was starting to make it a real pain to him. I figured he would just let me go and walk up himself, but for some odd reason, I just heard him give an cynical chuckle.

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