Chapter Thirty | More Secrets

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Author's Note

I am so pleased I made it this far... Chapter 30 woot woot!
I haven't written this much for years, mind you I started fan fiction when I was 14 and now I'm turning 23 next week. So thank you all for reading this, commenting, and voting, I am so very happy! :) I love all feedback.
I couldn't find the right match for the heirloom, so I did a bit of photo shopping and made it! There's the picture. :) I don't know, I was bored and reckon I can do it.

* * * * *

It's been days.

I stayed sitting up in bed, gazing out the window as I watched the wheat field swaying in the wind, the snow melted away by the sun as it glistened through passing clouds. I kept my knees to my chest, hugging them lightly. I was still in the Weasley home. I barely spoke to anyone, it's been a few days now. Molly's been serving me her cooking which I barely ate. It was delicious, but the pit of my stomach screamed no. Poppy came by everyday to check on me and to give me more draughts. The remedies she applied on my wounds have healed perfectly, though the gashes in my ankles were taking a few more days to recover.

I glanced down to the end table beside and pulled open the drawer. My heirloom was still there. I sighed in relief, making sure no one would take it. Dumbledore made it clear that I shouldn't wear it because of the outburst I had back at the camp.

I heard a small knock on the door and Molly opened it with a tray of her beef stew with bread and a tall glass of orange juice in her hands. "Here we are, my dear." She sat it by the end table and took a seat beside me on the stool. I gave her a wary smile and said, "Thank you, Molly."

She nodded and gave me a concerned look. "Amelia... How are you feeling?"

"I'm... Better... I've been recuperating. I... Actually want to go outside. I'm tired of being in this bed for days." I said and she nodded happily. "Of course! It will do you good, child... Please, eat up before you do! Albus brought some of your belongings here so feel free to shower up. I'll be back in ten minutes then." I nodded slowly and she got up and walked out.

I ate most of what I can and the whole orange. I kicked my feet over the bed and staggered up, feeling my knees weak and sore from laying for a week. What day was it exactly? There was no calendar, just a ticking clock on the wall. It was just past noon, I opened up the wardrobe to find a couple sun dresses I had and blouses and jeans. It must've been freezing out, so I grabbed white jeans and a yellow blouse. I notices the knitted coat Mary from the cell had let me wore, now clean. I pulled it out, a dark red color with large white buttons. I grabbed a towel from the drawer and carried all in one hand and opened the door. I stopped, looking back at the drawer that held my heirloom. I sighed, leaving the urge to grab it. I grabbed the tray of empty dishes instead and walked throigh the door open with my hands full.

"No, no!" Molly rushed from her kitchen, "You should've called me, honey! Here, I'll take the dishes." She grabbed the tray from me and rushed to the kitchens.

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