Chapter Six | Deception

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(Author's Note):

Hey everybody. Sorry for the wait. My phone was disconnected and my daughter's birthday passed. So, I took a while to publish this chapter. And for that, it may be.... Bumpy? Rough? Anyway, I do hope you enjoy this. Let me know your feedback.

It was morning. I awoke, still holding the handkerchief that Snape gave me. I looked down in my hand, clutching the soft hanky tighter and looked at my clock.


I stood from bed, outstretching my arms in the air as I let out a long yawn. I tucked the handkerchief in the endtable drawer and looked down. I noticed that I was still in Snape's mother's robes. And I also noticed the murky smell of my hair. I walked towards the dresser and pulled out my clothes Snape had washed for me. I inhaled the clean scent and urged to smell like that myself. I decided to head out the room and search for Mr. Snape so I could finally shower.

I went through the hall and found him sitting in his armchair, cross legged, sipping his morning coffee and reading The Daily Prophet. I winced as my eyes caught the paper.

Mr. Snape noticed and laid the paper on his lap. "Good morning." I announced quietly.

"Good morning, Miss Copperstone." He replied.

"Will it be okay for me to bathe?" I asked quite politely.

He stood from his chair, laying the paper down on the coffee table. "Yes." He replied motioning towards me, "there are towels in the cupboard in the hall. The bathroom is to your right."

I nodded with a smile and tremendously relieved to wash down.

Severus POV

I watched her as she rushed herself to the bathroom. I frowned as I walked back to my armchair and sat. I rubbed my face with both my hands and covered my face as I crouched down toward my lap. Today was the day that I had to confront The Dark Lord to inform him of Amelia staying here.

I had the anxiety that he would not accept quietly. It was true, the fact that I can manipulate him to think that this was all a test for Albus' loyalty for her to be here, but I feared he would try to kidnap her with great force.

I heard a knock on the door.

I trailed off to the door and looked through the peephole. Remus.

I inhaled deeply through my nose, opened the door, and ushered him inside. Remus was carrying a rolling luggage behind him and a luggage vag in the other. He eyed my expression trying to read my emotion, but it was far too easy for me to hide it.

"Severus," he greeted, walking slowly into my home scanning the premises. He rested the two luggage's by the couch. "Remus," I greeted back, uninterested.

He moved toward the center of the room, then to the foot of the hallway. We both heard the shower running and he looked back at me saying, "Your guest is making her comfortable?" I nodded curtly and his face filled with relief. "Good, so I'm guessing your quarrel is resolved."

"For now. I must go on an errand, Albus has told you. I need for you to be with her till I am back. It may takes a couple hours until my return."

"That is fine, Severus, Albus has told me and I have no problem with it." Remus spoke, eyeing my bookshelf of potion making and magic. I was surprised he didn't try to ask me what for exactly, but it seems that Albus made it clear that it was very personal and secretive. But, I could see that Remus was doubtful of me.

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