Chapter Eighteen | Who Am I

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(Author's Note):

So. I honestly left Wattpad for a few days and for good reason. I'm catching up on my Walking Dead series. Ha ha ha!! Good reason, no? Anyways, I opened up my account to see that holy shit, I got 1.2K readings!!

Thank you all for reading and voting and I love all your comments. I didn't think I'd get so much reads, makes me feel special ~∆___∆~


It was Monday morning and I honestly felt more like crap than last night. I struggled to open my puffy red eyes as I pushed myself up out of bed. I rubbed the tangled strands of hair out of my face and looked to my side to be utterly shocked.

Severus was here without his cloak and just his white button shirt and black slacks, beside me in bed, but his back against the bed post and his arms crossed, sleeping silently. I thought he left, he said he would until I fell asleep. I watched him as he breathed heavily, his black hair covering half his face.

I blushed in embarrassment and quietly climbed out of bed and straightened out my bed hair. I looked down and to see that I only had my undergarments and blushed even more. I heard him groan and shuffled a bit and I spotted my bath robe that laid scattered on the foot of my bed. I snatched it quickly and struggled to put it on.

When he came to and looked at me, I hastily tied the robe around my waist.

"You... You didn't say you'd stay the night." I staggered as I folded my arms over my chest.

"I apologize," he said in a raspy tone as he sat up straight, "By the time you slept, I must've too." He stood up stretching out his shoulders and back.

I stood there, trying not to expose myself and cleared my throat. "Well," I said, "Good morning."

He gave me a long stare until he replied, "Good morning."

The awkward silence grew louder it seemed and Severus walked towards his cloak that was on the coat rack. He slipped it on and looked back at me.

"I should be going. I have to prepare for class," he slipped his shoes on.

"It's only six o' clock." I said as I gazed to the clock, "Why not some breakfast?"

"I don't want to go down to The Great Hall," he said sternly.

"Well, I could call Winky. Charity did that a couple times and we ate in her office. She gave me a bell, see?" I walked to the dresser and grabbed a small golden bell with Latin symbols etched around the edges, "I don't think you should go hungry. I don't want you ripping students' heads off with an empty stomach." I laughed nervously.

Severus had his hand on the door knob to leave, but looked at me, assuming he was contemplating if he would stay. I smiled wide holding up the bell and he smirked in agreement. I rang it excessively.


I furrowed my eyebrows and rang it again and Severus smirked and chuckled. "Maybe its because the magic doesn't act out for a mere squib," he said and I pouted. He went to reach out for the bell until a loud crack and Winky appeared, shooting out from her apparition and hitting the dresser, knocking off the drawer to the floor.

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