One Shot: The One Where Chase Goes Looking For Blue

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I'm sharing my first one shot with you today. I'm still working on the epilogue but my very first one shot is done. There will be several more and both Blue and Chase POV'S will be included in them. Today's one shot is after the dance but while the twins are still in school. I hope this still clarifies the timeline a little bit.

Devon Blue

The One Where Chase Goes Looking For Blue


We were half way through our second semester and our lives were changing. For the better and fast. I was trying to catch up from the new move, my girlfriend and I getting serious and Blue and I's friendship.

I was about to graduate with my twin sister in a few months and go on tour with her band as a professional photographer. The idea both thrilled me and terrified me.

Because I could not fuck this up. This was my first job and this was my sister's career. I had to deliver the best photos for her and the band. I couldn't let them down.

Not after all the strings I knew Blue pulled for me. I'd make her proud. No matter what.

I had been sitting in the back of journalism class with Angie and we had been working on an idea for a story that I was hoping I could get approved by our teacher.

"Chase, I think this is a great idea. We could spread the awareness and make this like a pledge idea and feature some students taking the pledge. I think your idea to start a club here for the next graduating class to take over is fantastic." Angie gushed as her eyes ran down spiral notebook with notes of my idea.

I had been nervous to show her because I hadn't shared it with anyone yet and Angie's reaction meant something.

But when I saw the smile reach her face I felt happy, like I had done something right after an adolescences of fuckups.

"Thanks Ang. It's just a couple thoughts that I had been having the past few weeks and I finally got around to putting it on paper." I shrug it off because it was scary, being vulnerable with Angie.

She always saw right through me and it was unnerving. I wasn't used to girls understanding me. Everything had been physical with the other girls but with Angie it was just different.

She was teaching me how to be in a relationship. And Dev was teaching me how to be vulnerable.

Because I was so fucking out of my depth.

"It's for Blue right? It's because of your guy's past?" She asked.

If I was a betting man I would have bet she had me figured out in fifteen-seconds flat.

"If I had this program when I first started high school, or if she had this program when she began before rehab, maybe..." I let it hang in the air because I did not want to say those words aloud. Ever. Thinking them already sent me spinning and I didn't have Ryan around to rain down punches on anymore.

"I'm proud of you Chase. This is great. I think she'll love it." Ang reaches for my hand and squeezes in support and I reach down to kiss the side of her head before I see Falcon smirk at Ang and I.

I roll my eyes before flipping him off with my other hand.

"Thanks Ang."

"Where's Blue anyway? She wasn't in my third period math. Did she have press this morning or something?" Falcon asks again this time I can see the concern burrow in his brow and I feel my own growing.

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