【Chapter 6.2】

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【"Confidence is a habit that can be developed by acting as if you already had the confidence you desire to have." – Brian Tracy】

【Chapter 6.2】 

 After finishing working out my plan with Noah I had to act fast. I knew time was of the essence and I also didn't wanna chicken out either so there was that. Noah's Dad ran an empire of businesses and favors were no problem to propose to his connections.

However, that was not how we wanted to earn the attention of my dream tour manager. Matt Jensen. He was the perfect tour manager for our band. And I wanted to earn his attention based on talent. So I had to take a risk to get him to and have him see us perform. Another snail mail demo wasn't going to work. Maybe a viral youtube video could work but that wasn't a guarantee and wouldn't assure the strict timeline we so desperately needed to meet.

So off to capital records I went. I drove through afternoon traffic weaving through the Hollywood streets until I parked in an off the street parking structure and headed in. Its was 12:30. Lunchtime for the big wigs and my opportune time. I headed into reception and straight to the young man not much older than me running the reception area. He had blue streaks in his hair and an arm sleeve tattoo. I think Tristan would have loved him on his ink alone.

"Hello, I have a lunch delivery for Mr. Jensen," I reply in a chipper voice. I give him a big smile showing all my pearly whites. It doesn't work. And if I wasn't so pissed I would have been impressed that he resisted my smile. It usually works. 

Devon BlueWhere stories live. Discover now