【Chapter 2.3】

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【"The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself." ― Mark Twain】

【Chapter 2.3】

Mom shook her head at my playfulness. I strolled over and kissed her on the cheek and sat down. Dad followed sitting at the head of the table facing me as I was at seated at the opposite end. Mom sat beside me as Chase sat on my other side strategically forcing Ryan next to my father. Trying to smother a laugh at Dad's menacing glare at Ryan I looked back at my mother once again.

"I made grilled chicken and a large salad for you. Is that enough Blue? Peterson said grilled meats were okay. I hope you don't mind."

Softening my features at her I give her a warm smile. My mom is hands down the best Mom a girl could ask for. Bless her heart for checking everything for me.

I wouldn't be surprised if she went through the entire kitchen getting rid of any unhealthy foods she deemed unacceptable of her only daughter. Especially after meeting with Dr. Peterson at my last doctor's appointment.

"Yes, Mom its perfect. Actually, it's just what Noah and I make back home." I reply smiling gratefully at her.

"I know, I got the recipe from him last night in an email." She said back with joy and admiration at the mention on Noah. Noah and my Mom love cooking. They both have swapped recipes back and forth the last few years. In fact, their love of both food and cooking was what bonded them during their first meeting, ironically. Not me.

"Really? I bet he gave you a load of instructions on me." I said jokingly because the two of them were so fiercely protective of me it was unbelievable at times.

My mom had finally sat down smirking at me and replied "Well...".

"Mom!" I shouted out laughing slightly mortified. My cheeks heating up at the thought of them talking about me. I rolled my eyes trying to shrug off the thought as Dad laughed his ass off at my misfortune and Mom just continued smirking at me from across the dinner table.

"Um, whose Noah and what am I missing?" Ryan's deep-voiced belted out as he poured himself a soda at the dinner table. He kept looking back from Mom to myself. Easily confused. He glanced at Chase while Chase starred down at his plate twirling his fork full of chicken.

I was so caught up in Chase's avoidance of everyone at the table. I thought it was so odd. He wasn't eating, he wasn't catching Ryan's obvious attempts at trying to get his attention and he wasn't talking. I mean if it was just Chase not wanting to talk to me that would be, well normal but this was just... awkward.

"Devon whose Noah?" Ryan asked staring directly at me. 

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Sneak Preview:

Ryan was staring at me, not glaring at me but once I met his eyes he just turned his stare back to the table. Then I looked over at Chase and he was staring at me. Like a puzzle, he couldn't solve.

He didn't reply with the news of Noah, but he looked like a kid. He honest to goodness looked like he was a child again and someone was trying to him something that he just didn't understand. I didn't know if it was the boyfriend thing, or me, or hell even Ryan. I didn't understand Noah at all. I didn't know his facial expressions, or what was going on with him or in his head. I couldn't accept that our relationship got so bad that I felt like I was sitting across from a complete stranger. 

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