【Chapter 2.5】

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"The most terrifying thing is to accept oneself completely." ― C.G. Jung

【Chapter 2.5】

Where the Hell did that come from, do you know how to work it? And Dude where's my Car?

I had just finished taking a shower after dinner and had gotten into some pajamas. Noah had called and we were now chatting about some new music he had been writing. He was sharing his day with me. I loved it.

"Please baby boy??????"

"No, not yet. You can beg all you want but I'm not giving it to you." He replied

"First of all, that sounded dirty. And I kind of liked it." I smirk thinking about how turned on I can get Noah but again that's completely off topic. He truly is a distraction. But I will keep him. After all, he is kind of perfect. Well, maybe not perfect because he never picks up his dirty socks and leaves the toothpaste cap off ALL THE FREAKING TIME. But he's perfect for me.

"Second of all why won't you let me read the lyrics of this new song you wrote. I mean come on you said you already had the guys working on the music for it so why won't you share it with me?" I plead desperate at this point. It's totally not like him not to share with me. We bounce ideas, lyrics, and thoughts off each other all the time.

"Blue, baby, not this time okay? Just trust me. I will share it with you when the time is right. I promise."

"Okay." I pout. If he could see me now.

"Baby, don't be mad. I love you."


"Baby?" he pleads for understanding.

Okay, so I maybe I'm milking this for all its worth but with his voice calling me baby and having not seen him all day I have the Noah blues and him begging my name is about the only current cure I can get. So, SUE ME.

"MHH." I huff out while smirking at his crumbling wall. He only crumbles for me. God, I'm so lucky. This man had the purest fucking heart and a fucking gorgeous soul to match.

"Baby girl??"

"Okay fine," I reply a bit smugly. "I love you Noah I will try and be patient, but you know patience is not my forte so you're going to have to deal with it." I sass back with no bite.

I smile thinking of his gorgeous smile when he replies "Don't I know it, baby. You run my world."

"Hey, you make me sound like the proverbial ball and chain! Not cool man!"

Noah barks out laughter for a solid minute before replying leaving me with an eternal pout. This time a well-earned pout on my part may I add.

"Blue baby, I wouldn't have it any other way. You run my world because you are my world. You also rock my world but that's another thing entirely." Noah replies so smoothly and sexy might I add. It's kind of not fair the prowess he has on me. Noah was rough looking. He really was the epitome in the bad boy department. 

He was almost always sporting a five o'clock shadow. With his gorgeous blue eyes and dark brown hair and lean muscle, he was gorgeous if not Greek god look-a- like. He was a fucking specimen. His smile always gives me butterflies. It was kind of amazing to watch Noah grow into the man he was today. It was surprising for his family to see him grow into this rough looking man because he truly was the gentlest soul. His older brother Tristan had the prep model look that made him look as though he walked right out of the GQ magazine. But Noah was pure rolling stones especially with his new tattoos he got this summer. I mean the man loved ink.

"You rock my world too," I replied softly.

"I love you baby Blue." He replied

"I will call you tomorrow maybe sometime in the afternoon?" I ask making sure that works with him and his meetings and the time difference.

"Anytime is perfect baby. As long as I hear from you. Are you taking your morning run tomorrow?" He questions

"Yes, and before you tell me Yes, I will take Charlie, and yes I promise to stick to the food planer that the doctor gave us. Yes, I will let someone know when I go running and when I'm supposed to be back." I reply all in one breath. I know he makes sure that I'm safe and healthy. Even when it seems like nagging and believe me it does. But I know he does it because he cares and he wants the best for me. That's gives me a little understanding.

"Okay, then I can tell when I'm not wanted." He jokingly scoffs out.

"I'm sorry Noahy bear. I love you and I know exactly why you do what you for. It's all for me. I know you do it out of love. And I'm sorry. I don't tell you how I appreciate it an evening when I'm bitching about it I really do Noah. You have always been there and I know you will always be here for me and I'm so grateful. I truly don't tell you enough love. So please know that your nagging does mean everything to me. Thank you for taking such amazing care of me." I confess. Every word is true. Everything is true with Noah. And I'm really so fucking blessed to have him. SO. FUCKING BLESSED.

"Blue." He replies his voice hoarse. He clears his through from emotion and tries again. This man I tell you is a softy.

"I know baby. I know." I interrupt. I smile softly already knowing what he wants to convey that his voice is failing him to speak.

"I love you Noahy Bear. I will talk to you tomorrow. Call me if you need anything OK?" I state is my no-nonsense tone. Noah has anxiety and will stay up worrying over things so I will talk him down if it ever gets to be too much. He doesn't like it when I miss sleep for my health reasons, but it is unacceptable to not allow me to help when he is in need. Were partners that's how it works.

"I love you baby Blue. I will talk to you tomorrow. Gorgeous."

I smile while looking down at my comforter. "I love you too baby boy. Goodnight."

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Sneak Preview:

So, with that thought in mind, I exit my bedroom heading down the second-floor hall towards Chase's bedroom. I knock on his door waiting for what I didn't know. I waited and heard a reply "I don't want to hear it, Dad." From a muffled Chase.

Didn't want to hear what? What the hell was Dad telling Chase that Chase already anticipated another lecture about it? Taking a deep breath, I called out softly "It's me Chase." Hoping for him answering the door without the same attitude he had for Dad.

For a moment that feels like fucking forever, I hear nothing. Not the sound of breathing, or movement or Chase's voice. Then after some time, I hear rustling and before long I see the doorknob move as he opens it with a disinterested look on his face. I kind of should have seen this coming.

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