Author's Note

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Hey everyone! I hope you all are having a wonderful day today. I'm sorry for those that thought this would be an update but there are a few things I want to address in the meantime.  So, let's get down to business.


I will update this week just not today or tomorrow. I plan to update this weekend so keep a lookout and please be patient with me as University has been really busy especially on top of participating in camp nano this year. However, I assure you the next chapter will be coming! 


I really want to thank everyone for being so supportive, kind, and generous in reading and voting on chapters with Devon Blue. I am so happy I get to share my writing journey, characters, relationships, and real-life issues with such an uplifting community that is Wattpad. Everyone has been so kind and I really enjoy reading your comments and thoughts on the book and it's a progression into Blue's life. I'm grateful and humbled that I'm able to do so. I thank you! That being said, has to lead me to my third order of business. 


I want to be as clear as possible as I have recently encountered content in the comment section that I deem inappropriate and has definitely crossed a boundary for me.  Death threats, threats and comments of violence of any kind toward real people such as myself as the author or any reader is unwelcome in my book's space. It's a simple boundary that I guess needed to be clarified. Joking about violence or death threats if I write my story a certain way or write the character's relationships to a particular fate is unfunny even if the intent is not true. Firstly it is my book, my creation, my outlet, and my power to create a work I believe in. I will write it exactly as I see fit, so threats, even jokingly, are inappropriate and have crossed my boundary in my space.

 If this is not a boundary that can be respected I will report the comments and ask that they are removed. My space is not welcoming of violence toward one another, especially with all the hate in the world already. I will not add hate more to it or create a space that welcomes that, joking or not. I will not accept comments that are offensive, threatening or of similar nature simply because I don't write a book the way you would like it. If you don't like the direction of the story that is a you problem. By all means please don't read my book if you don't like the direction it is heading. Please don't read my book if it inspires a nature to pass my boundaries. Even joking about death threats in today's political climate is boundary-crossing. At least in my space. I'm grateful for the support, the passion, curiously sparked discussion, comments predicting what may happen next, passionate readers with incredible hearts of gold who have left me the kindest messages on my board and in my messages. To those, I see you and I thank you. You have humbled me. For those who may have become too passionate and crossed my boundary, you are more than welcome to find another space that welcomes your expressions or you will need to delete the inappropriate comments or I may report them. 


Creating a safe space on Wattpad with my story is so important. I want to be kind to everyone and I want everyone to be kind to one another. The issues and journey Blue faces is real for many people and creating a space where discussion and disagreements are welcome is important but it is how we conduct these discussions and the language we use when we discuss them that is vital to pay attention to. Jokes don't need to be mean to get a point across. It's okay if you have come to the realization that this space or book may not be for you. I respect that. 

Anyway, I thought it was important to explain my boundaries for my book and it's space here. Thank you for reading and I have appreciated all the support I have found within this community. 

Thank you.



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