【Chapter 4.5】

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【Chapter 4.5】

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【Chapter 4.5】

 A New Friend, A Helping Hand And Something Blue...

I was too preoccupied to notice what was going on with the class let alone our teacher's lesson. I was flipping through a magazine on dresses and gowns of the summer season. I wanted to find my perfect dress, and Karma had given me the ultimate magazine for my search. I was turning the page to a beautiful lace design on a simple gown when I heard someone clear their throat. It was what caught my attention. 

I looked up and to my left towards a girl with fire red hair. Her face was free of makeup and she had a timid demeanor. I couldn't tell if she was a timid person in general or if it was around me. She worked a small smile and cleared her throat before sticking her hand out to me.

"I'm Angelica but you can call me Angie. What's your name?"

Looking down at her hand and then back up to her shy smile and the mirth in her eyes I knew she was going to be my friend instantly. I just had this feeling that we got each other in more ways than we had ever known at that moment.

With a gentle smile and kind eyes, I returned her handshake and responded, "I'm Devon but my friends call me Blue." I reached out and padded the empty desk beside me welcoming what I hoped would be a new friend and a fresh start to my senior year back home.

Angie settled in clumsily beside me with a grander smile than when she had first approached me and if that wasn't progress well then what is? She settled in as did I.

"That dress is absolutely breathtaking!" Angie gushed as she nodded her head to my flipped open magazine. The magazine was open to the page that illustrated the dress I had fallen for. It was just right. It was me. And that's when I knew.

I smiled in response to her comment before sliding the magazine her way.

"It's my dream dress. I think you helped confirm my thoughts." I replied touching the magazine softy.

"You're going to get the dress! It would look gorgeous on you. It's simple yet sophisticated and would make you look like a princess!" Angie enthusiastically replied as she put her hands to her reddening cheeks.

"Thanks, I definitely want to try it on first, but I feel the same," I whispered. Just then two more guys from the senior football team made their way into the class before making their way to the two empty seats that were near Chase and Ryan. The teacher called out "Excuse me but where is your note?"

Football guy number 1, closest to Ryan replied "We don't have one sorry. The coach said that you would understand?" Football guy number 2 snickered before making his way over to Chase sitting down beside him and taking his backpack out onto his desk.

"Mr. Peelison, this is the first and last time I will be making an exception for being late. I will be talking with 'Coach' as well, so he will not continue sending my students late and disrupting my class. Is that understood?" The teacher finished frustrated and out of breath. Oh, I liked Mr. Peelison. I could only hope he would continue handing Ryan his ass at every opportunity.

"Yes, sir." Before giving the teacher a head nod and mischievous grin and making his way to sit next to Chase. How fitting. I was so caught up in watching the football interrupts Telenovela, as was the rest of the class, that I wasn't watching Chase, but he was watching me. He looked uncomfortable with the situation, but I wasn't sure why. 

He was like this with his friends, acting like they owned the school without a care for anyone else before I left so why did he look uncomfortable now? I gave him a confused look across the classroom and before he had a chance to react to me, aside from staring at me, Ryan clapped him on the back and laughed over whatever football player 2 said.

Chase looked over at Ryan, masking the emotions that had been flittering across his face the last few minutes disappear, and pulled on an easy-going grin laughing at what, I didn't even think he knew. Seeing this lead to an even more saddening realization. The distance between Chase and I was just as far as it had been when I was living in London. And his perfect life had more cracks than I had thought.

"Do you Blue?" Angie asked.

Confused and disoriented I turn my head her direction and give a small smile at her ever-beaming smile.

"Sorry?" I respond in hopes she will reiterate the full question.

"I see you don't have any school supplies would you like to borrow mine to take notes?" She asked concernedly.

"No thank you. I will be fine." I reply a little calmer now. I give her a thumbs up so as not to have her worry for me. I'm fine. Fine.

"You sure?"

"I have a photographic memory," I respond before reaching for my bag before looking at another magazine I bought in London.

"Really? That's so cool. Tell me later, yeah?" She questions eager before turning her head to the board and concentratedly taking notes.

"Yeah," I whisper smiling at her red hair moving up and down as she furiously writes notes in her spiral notebook.

I began looking at my magazine on outdoor décor, but sometime later I feel eyes on me. I look over to my left and see Ryan looking at me. His face is blank, but his eyes are a thunderstorm inside. But for me, well there's just an ocean inside of me.       

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Sneak Preview:

"Hi, I'm Blue. Do you wanna sit with me, I have no friends in this class." I kicked my legs down and reached a hand over the chairs toward him. He was hesitant at first but then shook his head yes a few times and shaking my hand, before stuttering out "Yes, Yes, please. Nice to meet you Blue." He gathered his things and made his way to the seat to the right of me and put his things down in the chair next to him.

I wait for him to introduce himself after he settles in. He looks over my way and I arch my eyebrow up at him and give him a small grin waiting for him to clue in. He looks confused for a moment before it dawns on him that he has yet to share his name.

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