【The One Where Blue Practices Forgiveness Part 1】

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【The One Where Blue Practices Forgiveness Part 1】

I was laying on my bed. No, that wasn't accurate. I was laying in our bed. Noah and I's bed. There hadn't been an our bed since London and I'd missed it. Falling asleep to his heart beat. His steady breathing. We we're in our new house right near the beach about half an hour from LA. Our house happened to be a five minute ride from my parents new house and a 15 minute run. I knew that because I'd ran it ten times already. A couple times with dad, Noah but mostly Chase. I hadn't officially moved in with Noah yet because I wanted to stay with Chase at mom and dads until we turned 18. Until we officially graduated. That was still a few months away.

So in the mean time I would take turns sleeping at our place and at Mom and Dad's place with Chase. Sometime's Chase would stay here at our place, in his room and sometime's he would hang at our parents.

But it was officially unofficial for everyone else. Tristan moved in here and had set up his and Karma's room on the third floor. They were situated across the hall from us. He said he wanted to stay close to his brother but I know he wanted to fuck with Noah whenever we were "getting busy" he had said wiggling his eyebrows. Noah had scoffed but Tristan didn't miss the way Noah's cheeks reddened.

I happily gave Tristan the finger before rolling my eyes and dragging Noah away from his older brother. Seth settled himself on the ground floor so that he could be closest to the door to head out to the beach in the mornings. And Kai found himself a room on the second floor that he shared with his boyfriend, Nash. Yep. Nash and Kai were official and Nash moved in the week that Kai asked him to. The two were damn near inseparable and they both couldn't be happier.

I adored them.

Chase was on the same floor as Nash and Kai and Angie often spent the night with Chase on days they stayed here.

I loved it because our home was always full, always filled with laughter, and hollering, jokes, smiles, music, and singing. Our home was full of life. And if it wasn't our home then it was our parents home because we would all head over there too. Mom and Dad loved it. They already considered the band family and they were really close to the guys so spending time with everyone came so naturally. Because they loved each other.

But my parents kitchen and our kitchen was always a little chaotic. Honest to goodness Noah and Mom were in charge of the kitchen and the guys and me were completely fine with it because they were too territorial over their recipes and appliances.

Noah was getting better though. He managed to share his new vitamix with my Mom when they made us smoothies the other afternoon.

I was getting burier these days planning the wedding, prepping for tour and trying to keep up with the reading and tests for school. But helping Chase study helped keep me on track to pass.

Weekends were full of errands going between our house and my parents trying to get the houses situated from painting, to decorating to having the guys rearrange the furniture for us whenever it was too heavy.

I made sure to continue therapy because it helped. I was still struggling with what happened a couple months ago and it keep me up. Especially on nights like tonight.

I fell myself shudder for the third fucking time tonight at my latest thoughts and consider heading down to the living room to watch the ocean from our sliding glass doors but haven't made a move yet.

Until I feel Noah's naked chest from underneath me. His skin is so warm, so soft that I can't be bothered to move even though I want to. Sort of.

I feel his breath fan over my face before I feel his face swing to my side and he lowers his head to rest his chin onto of mine.

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