【The One Where Blue Lets Go...】

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The One Where Blue Lets Go...


I had finished packing the last box from my room. All my furniture was moved out and heading to my parents new house twenty minutes away. I had a three boxes left to take to my suv and then I would drive off forever.

The house I grew up in. The home I had known until it wasn't anymore. Then I came back and Chase and I started to rebuild our relationship. Then it felt like we were a family again. Then it felt like home again.

But I guess that was another thing Noah taught me. Home really was where the heart was because whenever I was with him, the band, Tristan, my parents, my friends or my twin I felt at home.

My feet felt planted, my heart felt full, and I felt connected.

I was sad that a place that I had grown so familiar with would now become strange to me once again but I also felt grateful.

So fucking grateful.

Because I was able to say goodbye to this place I once called home. Where it housed all the good memories and the bad memories. It was a living breathing time capsule.

But it was no longer mine.

And as much as it hurt I understood it was time.

It would become a blank canvas once more to another family to hold their memories. Whatever ones they would decide to make.

I found myself gently pushing the white cotton window curtain to the side catching the sight of the broken tree house.

It was worn around the edges, creaking near the bottom steps of the trunk, the fabric in the small window was tattered and lost a war with mildew over the years.

But it was still standing.

After everything.

It was still standing.

The family was set to come see the house later tonight or early tomorrow.

I might just have enough time.

I grab my keys from the top of one of the closest box and bolted out of my room and down the staircase heading for the door.

I headed out locking the door quickly behind me.

I pulled out my phone while unlocking my car and looked up the directions to the nearest home depot.

I felt myself smile at my idea.

Hope bloomed in my chest with a craving for warmth.


It took me two hours to find everything I thought I would need from home depot. I wheeled the bright orange cart across the store over a dozen times grabbing all the supplies I thought I would need. Then I remember I didn't have any tools that I figured I would need and doubled back.

I grabbed the finishing touches and by the time I had checked out and had assistance loading the shit ton materials in the back of my suv it was already mid morning.

But when I arrived back at the house.

Back at the old house I still felt a rush of excitement at my project.

I hauled all my supplies to the backyard and got busy fixing the treehouse.

Foundation and all.

This new family, the young kids would have afresh start and they could get it right the first time.

I knew it.

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