【Chapter 5.3】

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"Successful people have fear, successful people have doubts, and successful people have worries. They just don't let these feelings stop them." – T. Harv Eker

【Chapter 5.3】

Lunch was great and so were my last two classes. They were pretty easy as I had covered that material at my old school. I did catch up on my magazines and the articles that I wanted to read. I still had a few errands and calls I needed to make. I made note of them on my phone for the last few minutes of class.

The teacher never said anything and I was fine with that too. Maybe they knew my situation. I had finished typing in my phone and set it back in my bag with my other things as I looked up at Falcon as he was finishing up the class assignment.

"Hey, Falcon?" I questioned. I might as well start. Maybe if I tried making friends with Falcon it would be easier on Chase.

"Yeah?" He replied glancing up at me with a small smile as his eyebrow quirked up.

"Can I walk with you to football practice? I was heading there to watch Chase and figured you would be heading there too?" I questioned. I was watching for anything. Any sign of hesitancy in being seen with me or if his offer of being my friend was disingenuous. His answer was enough proof.

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