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Louis POV:

I run into school, soaking wet from the rain.

I woke up late, so now i'm a few minutes late. I overslept because I couldn't fall asleep until 4:00 am due to my parents constant fighting.

I take my phone out of my pocket to see what I look like and I nearly gasp at myself. I look like shit. My hair is messy, I have big bags under my eyes, and I over all just looked terrible. I didn't have time to fix my hair this morning and I didn't have time to now. I was already late for english.

I stumble into the classroom and make eye contact with my teacher, Mr.Styles.

Mr.Styles is an young teacher with medium length curly dark brown hair and sometimes he wears glasses.

I quietly tried to walk to my seat in the back of the classroom; but on my way there I made eye contact with Mr.Styles who was currently teaching my class about to Kill a Mocking Bird.

His face turned from a smile to a look of worry when he saw my aperance. Great I wasn't the only one who thought I looked like shit.

I put my head down and pick up my pace to get to my seat. I set my bag down next to my desk and sit down. I look up to see Mr.Styles still looking at me while he was talking to the class. I looked down and blushed from the sudden attention.

I never liked english class, I always found it very boring. As I try to listen to the lesson but I feel my eyes slowly shut. I try to keep myself awake, but Mr. Styles low soft voice seems to put me to sleep. Then before I know it I was dreaming away.


I wake up to someone whispering my name and what feels like a hand on my upper arm. I quickly open my tired eyes to see the one and only Mr.Styles looking to me concerned.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry Mr.Styles I did-" I was cut off by Mr. Styles,

"Louis, it's okay, is everything alright?" I look down embarresed because I just fell asleep in the middle of class.

" Yeah, sorry Mr. Styles". He looks at me unsure but then nods and goes back to teaching the class.

shit, I cant get a detention, my dad will kill me. I space out worriedly for the rest of class.

Once class is over, I go to grab my backpack and try to leave the room as fast as I can when I hear Mr. Styles call my name.

"Louis" I turn around quickly

"Yeah?" I say.

"Would you mind staying back for a few minutes, we need to talk". He says.

"uhh.. sure" I respond.

Mr.Styles smiles and taps the back of one of the desk chairs. I slowly walk over and sit down.

"I'm sorry for falling asleep in your class Mr.Styles, I was just super tired, Im sorry I promise I didn't mean to, Please don't give me a detention". I beg

Mr.styles looks at me sympatheticly," Its okay Louis, but why are you so tired?" he asks. I look down really not wanting to talk about the dreadful place I call my home. I realize I had been looking down for too long and I try to think of something quickly.

"Uhhh I just...um...no reason". I studer out, he looks at me unsure

"Is there something you wanna talk about Louis"? he asks.

"Nope!" I quickly respond. That just seemed to worry him more.

"Is something going on at home"? I start to get more and more nervous and he can clearly tell.

" N-no, its all fine at home". He looks at me and nods clearly not beliving me.

"Okay louis, but i'm always here if you want to talk, or if you just need to come into my classroom to relax or something". He says I nod and Thank him then speed walk out of the classroom.

Once Im out of the room I am greated my Niall, my best, and only friend. He puts his arm around me

"Well if isn't Mr.Lewis Tommo". I glare at him because he knows I hate that name.

"Thats not my name Niall". I huff out.

He chuckles, "What did Styles want"? he asks. Then I tell him the story of everything that happend this morning.

He looks at me sad, "Are your parents still arguing"? he asks knowingly. I look down and nod.

Niall pulls me into a tight hug, "You know you can stay at my place anytime you want, right"? He asks. " Thanks Niall, I may just take you up on that offer soon" I respond.

He chuckles again and we quickly walk towards our next class.

Thank You Mr.StylesWhere stories live. Discover now