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Louis POV:

I feel someone shaking me and saying my name. I open my eyes not even remembering I closed them. I open them to see that I was alone in the english classroom with Harry right in front of me saying my name.

"Louis what the actual fuck happened to your eye". Harry yells at me. I just then remembered the big bruise that my dad gave me last night. I also remember all the things Harry said to me yesterday.

"Why would you care, you made it perfectly clear to me yesterday that I meant nothing to you, so it's none of your concern what happened to my eye". I yell back pissed off that he thinks that he can suddenly care about me and my eye.

"Louis..." harry tries but I interpret him

"No, Louis nothing Harry you can't just be a total jerk to me yesterday and then expect me to talk to you today". I tell him.

"You don't understand Louis". he starts but again I interpret him.

"No I do understand I mean nothing to you, I mean nothing to anyone, because I'm nothing but a worthless loser that not even my own parents like". I say and my eyes start watering.

I go to talk again but I am softly pushed against a wall and Harry slams his soft lips on mine shutting me up.

Harry keeps me against the wall and grabs my hips firmly pushing himself closer to me.

I moan into his mouth at the action. I slowly run my fingers through Harrys perfect brown curls.

We kiss for a few more minutes before Harry pulls away I look up at him to see him looking down slightly with his eyes watering.

"i'm so sorry Louis, I didn't mean to make you feel that way, I was just scared that we where going to get in trouble and I would get fired. I thought It would be better for both of us if I just stayed away from you, but I can't, I can't stay away from you Louis, I need you. You are worth getting in trouble if we get caught. You mean everything to me Louis and i'm sorry for making you feel like nothing I will never be able to forgive myself for doing that to you". Harry tells me as tears start to rush down both of our cheeks.

I just nod in response not trusting my voice right now.

Then Harry pulls me into a tight hug with one of his hands around my waist keeping me close and the other on top of my head keeping my head pushed against his firm chest.

I could stay this way forever, I felt safe with Harry, something I feel with no one.

The moment was interpreted by harry saying," now tell me what the hell happened to your eye, and don't give me some bull shit like you fell, I know someone did this to you and just tell me who it was and I will make sure that they will regret even thinking about touching you".

I get butterflies at his protective words," um, i-it was m-my dad". I tell him with my eyes watering again.

"i'm going to fucking kill him". I hear harry whisper to himself. My eyes widen at the words.

"Please don't do anything haz, it will just make it worse". I tell him

" No he hurt you Louis, he hurt YOU, i'm going to hurt him back". he tells he gripping me slightly tighter.

" Harry...please". I beg him.

Harry sighs before answering " fine, but if I see as much as a skratch on you I will beat the living shit out of him".

" Thank you haz". I tell him hugging him more

"your welcome baby and again i'm sorry for yesterday". He whispers in my ear.

" Yeah it's okay but harry?" i ask

" yeah lou". he asks back

" what are we?" i ask a little scared for what he says back.

" Louis i've never felt the way I feel about you about anyone, and I would love nothing more then for you to maybe be my boyfriend". He asks me nervously.

I smile big" I would love that too Hazzy". I tell him

Harry then picks me up and spins me around then plants a bunch of little kisses all over my face.

" thank you so much baby". he tells me with the biggest grin I have ever seen.

He then places me on a desk kissing me again. wrapping his big strong arms around my waist. He kissed me with passion but still softly. He slowly pushes his tounge into my mouth. Harry tasted like peppermint and vanilla it was amazing. He started moving his lips faster against mine all this was was pure pleasure.

I wanted to keep kissing him for longer but then the bell rang and I had to pull away.

" I need to get to class Haz" I tell him

Harry then hugs me tighter and I giggle as he groans.

" I know I shouldn't be saying this because i'm your teacher buuuuut what if you just don't go to class and let me just kiss you for all of next period". Harry tells me in a seductive tone.

I jump off the desk before responding," while I would love that, I need to go to class I can't get another late or I will have to go to detention".

"hmmmmm fine, do you wanna go to my place after school baby?" he asks me.

"Yeah I'll see you after school". I tell him kissing his cheek. Then I start to walk towards the door

" wait lou!" he yells I turn around and look at him.

"ill miss you". he says with a big grin.

I giggle " i'll miss you too Hazzy and i'll see you after class". I tell him before leaving the class room and walking to my next class.


Thank you for reading (:

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