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Louis POV:

I wake up screaming in my bed from a nightmare about Nick. This is the third night in a row that I have had horrible nightmares about what Nick did to me and worse.

Harry jolts awake quickly when he hears my screams and pulls me into his lap.

" sh sh sh little one it's alright I'm here." Harry tells me while running his hands through my sweaty hair.

"I-I-I had t-the nightmare a-again hazzy."I say as my eyes start to water.

" No don't cry little one it's all going to be okay." He tells me as he kisses every tear that fell out of my eyes.

"I don't w-want to g-go back to sleep haz I don't want to see him again." I tell Harry. He rubs my back to calm me.

Harry just nods and pecks my lips softly before he goes to pull away.
But right when he pulls away I kiss him again this time with more passion. He kisses back and this time I pull away.

"Make me forget Harry." I say and his eyes widen knowing exactly what I meant.

" Are you sure Louis? I don't want to do anything you are not comfortable with especially with what happened." Harry asks.

"Yes I'm sure I want to forget what his hands on me felt like. I want you." I say and with that he kisses me again.

" okay but tell me anytime you want to stop or feel uncomfortable and I will stop." Harry tells me and I nod.

Harry then flips us so he is hovering over me while kissing me.

He kisses my jaw line and down my neck leaving hickeys and love bite whispering a mine after each one.

He then sucks on my sweat spot making me moan harder.

"Daddy" I moan and I can feel Harry getting hard at the name.

" yeah daddy's going to make you feel so good." Harry tells me sending shivers down my spine.

I tug at Harry's shirt wanting him to take it off.

He takes his shirt off and I just take a second to admire the beautiful sight that is Harry.

" like what you see little one?" Harry asks with a smirk and I just nod and then flip us and start kissing along his abs and V-line.

Harry then sits up with me on his lap and take my shirt off kissing my stomach as he does.

Harry then lays me on the bed and pulls off my pants and then his own.

He goes back to kissing me with both of us grinding on each other softly.

"Already so hard for me baby such a good boy." Harry praises.

He pulls off my underwear and uses one hand to rub up and down my cock and was using the other to grab my ass.

" okay baby boy I'm just going to prep you okay?" Harry says and I just nod eagerly wanting something.

Harry then grabs some lube and rubs it over two of his long fingers and brings them up to my hole and rubs around it slowly before pushing both in and I moan when Harry's fingers are inserted.

He uses his two fingers to scissor me apart softly to prep me.

After a few seconds he pulls his fingers out and I whimper.

" one second little one." He says before he flips me so I am on all fours.

He spreads my legs apart and he practically moans at the sight of me like this.

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