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Louis POV:

I wake up to the feeling of a pounding headache.

I open my eyes and see that it's dark out and I am in my bed curled up against Harry, who is on my right.

What the hell happened.

The last thing I remember is Harry telling Niall and me to pay more attention in class. Was that even today? Why don't I remember anything?

I wonder if I should wake Harry up, I'm sure he probably can tell me what happened and he can comfort me through my headache but he looks so comfortable, I don't want to bother him.

I just turn so my head is on Harry's chest and I softly run my fingers through his curls.

Soon the pain from my headache becomes unbearable.

I pry Harry's arm off of my waist and slip out of the bed and walk downstairs looking for Advil.

I search through all the cabinets in the kitchen yet find nothing. I whimper from the pain of the headache and tears start to come to my eyes knowing I won't get any headache relief anytime soon.

I must of whimpered a little too loud because right after I did it I hear fast footsteps coming from upstairs.

"Baby?" Harry calls out.

"Y-yeah?" I call back.

Once Harry hears where my voice is coming from he runs downstairs and comes over to me.

"What's wrong little one? Why are you down here?" He asks me pulling me into a hug.

"I h-had a headache b-but I didn't w-want to wake y-you up so I came to l-look for Advil b-but I couldn't find any and it h-hurts really bad and I d-don't remember anything. I'm confused Hazzy." I tell him as my sniffles turn into cry's.

When Harry hears that he sits me on the kitchen counter and kisses my head and gives me a empathetic look before opening the cabinet and reaching to the highest shelf and pulling out the bottle of Advil.

No wonder I couldn't find it. He keeps it in a place where only a giant could reach.

"Here you can only have one because of how small you are." He says handing me the pill and a glass of water.

Harry then moves in between my legs and pulls my head onto his shoulder.

"I know this is all confusing baby boy. Do you want me to explain?" He asks and I nod.

Harry then went on to tell me how my parents showed up at the school and how I had a panic attack and passed out in the bathroom.

For some reason he looks extremely guilty as he is telling me the story, I don't know why though it's not his fault.

"I'm so so so so sorry little one. It's my fault that this happened." He tells me with his head hanging low.

"What Harry this in no way is your fault." I tell him but he just shakes his head.

"I'm supposed to protect you from everything and everyone and I should have been there when you needed me." He tells me.

"But you did help me, you brought me home and you also got my parents to leave school. Without you they could have taken me back to that horrible place Hazzy." I tell his shivering at the thought of what could have happened.

"I should have protected you." Harry says.

I know what will make him feel better.

"You do protect me Daddy." I tell him and I feel his head lift up at the name.

Thank You Mr.StylesWhere stories live. Discover now