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Harry's POV:

Two months. It's been two months.

Two long, hard, difficult months.

Two months ago Louis started therapy with Allison and it's been going great. Yes it was hard at the beginning, Louis wasn't very open to talking about what Happened to him but eventually he started talking and he started to trust Allison.

After the first month of therapy Allison diagnosed Louis with PTSD, which he didn't take very well.

But once again after some time he started to except it and work on trying to get better.

So now after two months Louis has actually finished his therapy sessions and I could not be more proud of my little monkey.

Also as of last week Louis finally has reached his weight goal and is now a healthy weight, even through he is still tiny.

And now today is the day that Louis and I have been waiting for. Louis graduation.

Louis and I dating has technically been legal the whole time we have been together because he was eighteen when we first got together, but if anyone found out we were together I would have been fired because teachers and students dating is strictly prohibited at our school.

So now when Louis graduates this afternoon there will be nothing holding us back from everyone knowing that Louis is my baby boy.

So yes the past two months have been hard with Louis PTSD, trying to get his weight up, and keeping our secret but now finally everything is going to be okay for my Louis.

"Baby are you excited?" I whisper once I see Louis eyes flutter open from last nights rest.

"I'm too tired to talk." Louis says before cuddling back into my side.

I chuckle at his cuteness.

I use the tips of my finger tips and slip my hand under his shirt and rub his back a little bit.

"Little one you should be excited, today is the day that you graduate high school!" I say pulling him out of my side and on top of me so he was straddling me while I stay lying down.

I grab his small hips to keep him sitting up.

"Harreyyyyyyyyy nooooo I'm sleepy." He says wile staying to go back to sleep.

"No bub you need to wake up. We need to get ready, you have your graduation in a few hours and there's some stuff I wanna do...." I say while pulling his shirt off.

Louis takes the hint and starts grinding his hips on me while still on top of me causing my Dick to instantly stiffen.

"Hmmm I thought you were tired?" I say laughing but he just pouts and stops what he's doing.

"No no no no baby I didn't mean to stop." I say trying to pull him back onto me.

He just gives me his cute puppy dog eyes while pouring to make me feel bad.

"Aww I'm sorry little one. Forgive me?" I say hugging his little frame.

Once I pull away from the hug, Louis goes back to straddling my lap and starting to grind on me again.

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