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Louis POV:

A few Hours later-

I wake up to the feeling of someone lightly shaking me. I slowly open my eyes and I'm confused because I don't know where I am and I don't really remember falling asleep. Then it hit me, Im at SCHOOL, and I feel asleep on Harry...my teacher.

I look up and see the familiar green eyes that belong to the one and only Harry Styles.

"Hey lou, how you feeling?" Harry asks. It takes me a second to realize what he was even talking about.

"Um better I think." I say

Harry looks at me and smiles a little bit "Do you wanna talk about what happened? Was it the test? Or did something else happen?" He says

I look down a little embarrassed and I think Harry noticed.

"There is no need to be embarrassed lou, but I thought you where ready for the test?" I respond quickly," I thought I was ready too, but then the test was longer then I thought and then I started getting nervous and then the questions started to confuse me and it felt like I forgot everything we studied. Then I got this weird feeling like this presure on my chest and then suddenly I couldn't breathe...it was scary." Harry then patted my back kindly.

Then he said," I'm sorry that happened to you lou, that was a panic attack." i sigh and lift my head off of Harry's chest and then run my hands trough my hair.

"Look Harry I'm really sorry that you had to deal with-" Harry cut me off

"No no no no you are not apologizing for having a panic attack and helping you was no problem at all so please do not apologize." Just as I was about to respond my phone started ringing.

I grab my phone and my eyes widen when I see my dad's contact.

"Shit" I say. Harry looks at me concerned.

I quickly answer my phone "uh...hey dad..." I say then my dad yelled over the phone so loud I was sure that Harry heard

"Where the hell are you Louis?!? I gave you one simple instructions just to come home after school." I pull my phone back from my ear to check the time and see that it was 5:02pm WTF how long was I asleep for. My dad is pissed.

"Im really sorry d-dad I lost track of t-" I start

Then my dad screams again "Listen here you little shit I expect you home in 20 minutes...or else".

My eyes widen knowing what he meant and also realizing it takes me 30 minutes to walk home. I would need to run to get there on time.

"Okay dad I will".  I say back

Then he hangs up and Harry looks at me he looked angry and worried. Then Harry spoke,"Louis...". Before he could even finish I was packing up my bag and running out the door.

"Thank you for everything Harry, I really need to go, I will see you tomorrow bye." I say before leaving. I hear Harry trying to tell me to come back but I really needed to get home before my dad got even more angry. I sprint as fast as I could for the two miles to get back to my place.

15 minutes later I open the front door to see my very angry looking father.

"Hey dad". I whisper slightly scared.

"Louis I thought I told you to be home right after school, why where you not here". He yells getting closer to me."

Look dad i'm sorry dad I just fell asleep after school". He walks closer to me and shoves me against a wall. Just them my mom comes out out the kitchen and into the living room and then my dad lets me go and the argument start again...I mean I guess this is better then getting beaten up.

I run upstairs to my room and burry my head into my pillow and let the tears fall out of my eyes. I cried and cried until I fell asleep.

The next morning-

I made sure this morning I was extra quiet being carful not to wake up my dad because I was not looking to get yelled at again this early in the morning.

I walk into school and I head to my first period class which was english with harry. I wonder if harry is mad at me for leaving so fast yesterday. I hoped not harry was one of my closest friends even if he was my teacher. We where only 4 years apart and I wanted him to still be my friend.

I enter the english room and lock eyes with the man I call my english teacher. He looks instantly releved when he sees me. I wave hello to harry and he gives me a big smile back. Then he started teaching the class.

Once class was over I stayed back so I could say sorry to harry. Once everyone left the room harry walks over to me.

"What happened yesterday? are you okay? why was you dad so mad?" Harry asked seeming very worried.

"Harry i'm okay nothing happened". I responded wanting to not really talk about it.

"What Louis? what happened? I need to know If that asshole did something to you" Harry seemed like he was getting mad.

"Harry I promise you i'm okay and nothing happened. he was just a little upset that I was late, no worries." I say.

He sighs "Okay just... please tell me if something ever happens".

I nod and head to the door to head off to my next period.

Thank You Mr.StylesWhere stories live. Discover now