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End of last chapter in Harrys Pov:

I patted Louis shoulder remembering I couldn't kiss him in the cabin. I then walk over to my bed and plop down, tired.

I rest my head on my pillow and slowly fall asleep.

A few minutes after I fell asleep I heard the door to the cabin open, I look over and see Nick and his friends walking into the room. He starts to walk over to Louis bed. 

I sit up about to go tell him to get the hell away from my boy but then I feel a hand on my arm and I look at the arm and see that its connected to Liam.

He gives me a look and then I remember that we needed this to happen. We needed him to hurt Louis, so he could stop hurting Louis.

I knew this was going to be hard. Watching Louis get hurt and not going to be able to do anything about it. This would kill me.

Nick suddenly pushes Louis out of his bed and on to the floor. I try to stand up again but Liam just pulls me back down, shaking his head.

Louis looks at me asking for help with his eyes. My heart breaks at the sight and thought of what was happening. 

They continue to kick him and call him horrible names, I didn't even know it was this bad. How could they do this? My poor baby.

" Liam this has been going on long enough let me help him now." I tell Liam.

" H, hold on." He tells me and I shake my head and start to stand up.

I look back at Louis and saw that he was no longer being beaten up and now Niall yelling at Nick. I just watch in shock, i'm happy that Louis wasn't being hurt anymore but I wanted to be the one that helped him, not Niall.

I know it's stupid but I was a little jealous of Niall. Especially after Louis was all cuddled up to him during the scary story. No one besides me should be able to touch my baby. I know that Niall is straight and him and Louis are just friends but still I don't want anyone touching Louis.

Nick then walks out of the room and Louis was still on the floor but then Niall goes and picks him up. Now this was too much, he was now not just touching but holding my Louis.

Sadly I knew I couldn't do anything about it though because if I walked over there and took Louis out of his arms then it would look like I was more then just his teacher. Which I was but no one else could know that.

I watch Niall very closely as he lifts Louis shirt up to look at what Nick did to him. I'm fuming, he should not get to see Louis without a shirt on, he's MINE.

My rage suddenly turns to worry when I hear Niall gasp. I look down at my baby's stomach and see that it is covered in bruises. 

Guilt rushes over me. This is my fault. I didn't help him. I am the reason that my Louis is in pain.

Niall and Louis talk for a few minutes before they lie down, Niall has his arm around Louis I still. I'm still insanly jealous but at this point I feel too bad to even care about them.

" Okay, see Harry he's alright and now he won't be able to get hurt anymore." Liam whispers to me.

" yeah this better be worth it Liam because seeing that happen to him...that was just horrible." I tell him.

" Yeah I agree." He says 

" I'm going to go for a quick walk." I tell Liam and them leave, not even waiting for a response.

The second I get out of the cabin I start crying. Something I haven't done in a long long long time. But just watching him get hurt like that and knowing that I could have done something to stop it is painful.

I just cry for a few more minutes before going to find Nick.

There was no possible chance that I was just going to let him beat my baby up and then think it's okay.

I walk for about ten minutes until I see Nick and his friends sitting at a picnic table talking and drinking.

" All of you drop your drinks now and get back to your cabins. We will talk about this in the morning." I yell at them all.

Once they see me they all freak out a bit and dump their cups and start running back to their cabins. Nick starts walking with them but once he goes to pass me I place my hand on his shoulder.

" Oh no no no Nick, you and I are going to have a little chat." I tell him

Nick just looks at me terrified. He is a total coward, he acts all tough guy to his friends but the second anyone challenges him he turns into a scared little boy.

" Now, what happened back in the cabin there?" I ask him and his face drops, he must of not known I saw what he did.

" Nothing Mr. Styles i-i swear." He lies to me.

" Oh Nick you and I both know thats not true." I tell him and he just doesn't respond.

" I thought I told you to leave him alone? What happened?" I ask him and he just shrugs. 

Now this pisses me off even more. I punch him. Hard.

It was not hard to kick Nicks ass, Nick was tall but I was a lot bigger and taller then him so there was no way I was going to let him off easy with hurting Louis.

I spend the next five minutes sending punches and kicks to his stupid face and body.

Once he is almost passed out I decide that I was done.

" Never even think about touching Louis again and this never happened." I told him and he nods his head. 

I walk away from Nick and keep walking around for the next thirty minutes to cool off.

Once I get back to the cabin I see that everyone was asleep. I walk over to Louis and I place a soft kiss on his fourhead. 

" I'm so sorry baby." I whisper in his ear not loud enough to wake him up. 

My eyes water up again before I walk back to my bed and let sleep overtake me.


Thank you for reading!

Sorry if this is a little short.

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