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Louis POV:

"Louis I promise it will be okay." Niall tells me trying to reassure me that I can go back to Harry's.

"But what if when I go back he's upset that I left his house in the first place?" I ask

I mean I miss Harry. A lot. I want to go back and I don't think I should of even left Harry's in the first place, I mean what was I thinking, he didn't even do anything wrong.

I think I just needed time to cool off a little bit and last night without Harry was terrible. I barley even slept.

"Louis he misses you. He want you at home. I love having you here but you guys need each other." He says.

Does Harry miss me as much as I miss him?

"Okay." I say back and Niall cheers.

"You won't regret it Lou." He says back to me.

I only have my back pack here because we never did end up getting my stuff from Harry's.

"Here I'll drive you." Niall tells me and I nod.

"Thanks Ni." I tell him.

Due to my nerves we didn't say a word for the whole car ride to Harry's.

Once we pull up Niall gives me a tight hug before I get out of the car and wave goodbye to Niall.

Niall drives away and I walk up Harry's walkway up to his door.

I contemplate wether I should just walk in or if I should knock. I mean I technically still live here but maybe I should knock.

I knock on the door softly and two seconds after my knock Harry opens the door.

He still had the big bags and scruffy beard he had this morning. Yet he still looked perfect.

Harry just stares at me for a few seconds cause causing even more nerves. Why is he just looking at me? Is he not happy I'm back?

I can't even finish my thoughts before Harry pulls me into the tightest hug I have ever received.

He lifts me off the ground and I wrap my legs around him.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry." I say feeling guilty about leaving him.

"No baby don't be sorry I'm sorry I should have known that what I was doing would have looked wrong and I should have known that that was what was bothering you." He tells me bringing me inside the house.

"It's been terrible without you little one I haven't been able to sle-." Harry starts but I cut him off with a kiss.

He presses me against the wall keeping our lips connected.

"I've missed you so much." Harry says as he moves his lips down to my neck.

"You have no idea." I say back.

Harry starts kissing the part of my neck that he calls 'my special spot' I don't know why he calls me that but it brings me pure bliss when he kisses it.

I try to muffles my moans a little by biting my lip. But it's like Harry read my mind.

"I want to hear you baby moan for daddy. Let me hear the noises that I make you have." He tells me and I do as he says and stop holding back my moans.

Harry then takes me off the wall and carries me up to our bed and lays me down while he hovers over me.

"You are so beautiful" he tells me while he pulls off my shirt.

He flips us around so I am straddling his lap.
The way I am sitting I could feel Harry's hard on presses against my thigh.

I tug at his shirt and he quickly pulls away and pulls his shirt over my head before going back to kissing my neck.

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