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Harry's POV:

Oh my god I didn't even think about how bad that could have looked to Lou, I'm such an idiot.

I should have realized that he would just assume, I mean if I didn't know I would have assumed too.

I can't believe I made my baby so upset that he left our house and won't even let me touch him.

"You want me to explain right?" I ask him just to make sure that he will let me talk to him.

"Yes" He says in an annoyed voice.

"Alright well first let me start this by saying I now understand how bad that must of looked." I say.

"No shit." Lou says back.

Ouch it hurts a little bit to hear him talk to me like that but I understand where he is coming from.

"I don't understand how you could do this to me Harry. I mean I thoug-." He starts but I cut him off.

"Louis she's gay." I say and his face drops.

"W-what?" He ask back.

"Yeah she's gay." I tell him truthfully.

"No no no then why were you flirting and why was she kissing your check." He asks me.

"The kiss on the check I promise meant nothing, that's 100% just in her character to do something like that. She has a sweet personality that I can see how could be mistaken for flirting. But Louis I would never cheat on you I swear." I tell him pleadingly.

"Why should I believe you?" He asks me.

"Louis the only reason I was talking to her is because I am setting her up with my sister. Do you want me to call my sister and get you to tell you herself?" I ask him.

I'll do anything I have to do to get him to believe me.

"And I had to be nice to her so I could get her to like me as a person and then go out with my sister. I know it sounds crazy baby but please you have to believe me, I can't lose you, I can't." I say and my eyes start to water a little bit.

"I believe you." He whispers.

"What?" I ask him not believing what I heard.

"If you say that's what happened, then I believe you. You have never given me a reason not to." He says to me and I immediately grab him into a tight hug.

"Oh my god. Thank you so much sweetheart." I tell him pulling him closer if it was even humanly possible.

"But..." he starts.


"But what?" I ask him.

"I'm not going to come home yet." He tells me and I look at him like he's crazy, because he is.

Why would he not want to come home. Does he not actually forgive me, maybe I should call Gemma and get her to tell him that I'm telling the truth.

"W-why?" I ask him.

"I think we maybe should just take a night or two apart to get everything under control." He tells me.

I really just want to grab him and carry him back to my house. I can't go a night without him, let alone more then one.

But if I force him to come it will just create a bigger problem and that's the last thing I want.

"Okay." I whisper to him trying to contain my emotions.

"But we aren't breaking up Harry, just spending a few nights apart. It will be good for us. I'll be back tomorrow most likely." He tells me and I just nod not letting go of his tiny body.

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