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Louis POV:

" And we will be leaving tomorrow." our principal Mr. Cowel tells us. Right now our entire grade and all of our teachers are sitting in the auditorium because we had some big announcement.
Turns out we are actually just going on some class trip for the week, starting tomorrow.

This really was not something I was looking forward to because I mean I would just have to hang out with a big group of people I am not friends with for a week. Harry would also be coming, but he will be with teachers the whole time and that means we can't really be together.

And on top of it all I would be living and sleeping in the same place as Nick and his friends, and I am almost certain that he would be messing with me at some point.

I would try and just skip but its mandatory and I mean I don't really wanna stay at home with my dad anyways.

" Hey you okay?" I flinch not knowing who it was, I turn around quickly to see Harry with a concerned look on his face.

" um yeah i'm fine, sorry I was just thinking." I respond

" What about Lou?" He asks

" Just the trip and how I don't want to go." I tell him and he laughs

" come on it will be fun, we get to stay together for the whole week." He says

" Not really i'm going to have to be with all the other students, and Nick is probably going to give me a hard time too." I tell him

" I won't let him do anything to you Lou, and i'll make sure we can spend some time together." He tells me

I really just wanted Harry to wrap me in his arms and hold me for the rest of the day, but when we are at school we can't really touch because people will see us and assume something is going on. He also can only call me Louis or Lou which is a little sad because I being honest I love when Harry called me names.

" Hey why don't we go to my class." He says sensing my upsetting energy

" okay."

We stand up and walk out of the auditorium and walk toward's Harry's room.

Once we are in there we close the door and blinds and then Harry pulls me into his lap and wraps his arms around me and just holds me close.

School and home have really been stressing me out lately and also Harry has been very busy, so I am just happy that he is holding me now.

Even though we haven't been spending much tine together Harry still calls me every night and sings me to sleep, I really can't fall asleep without him singing to me.

" How have you been baby? I'm sorry I have not been there for you as much the past few days, i've just been busy but thats not an excuse, i'm sorry little one." He tells me pulling me closer and carding his fingers through my hair.

" it's fine Haz I understand you have work, no worries and um i've been- i've been fine." I tell him deciding to not tell him about how my stress has been coming back.

" Okay" He says and then yawns, I was a little shocked he didn't press me about my lie of a response.

I soon hear Harry's breaths become farther apart and little snores coming out of his mouth. I eventully look up and see him asleep and I decide I should just let him sleep and I would wake him up when it was time for his next class.


School is now over and Harry asked if I wanted to stay the night at his place because then we could just drive up to where the school trip would be happening together.

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