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Louis POV:

It's the next day and Charlie just stoped by to give me my weekly check up.

He said that all my injuries wear healed fully and I only need to gain a few more pounds to be considered a healthy weight.

Harry and I are now driving to school. This was my first day back since the Nick incident no one has seen him in a few days though so I'm not to worried about going back but I think Harry is worried for me.

Once we pull up to the school I kiss his check and I go to open the door but Harry grabs my hand to stop me.

"Yeah?" I ask him a little confused.

"Listen Louis if anything happens and I mean anything come find me I will be in my room all day." He tells me with a serious look.

"Yeah I will I promise. I will see you at lunch right?" I ask

"Yeah see you then little one I love you." He tells me and I get out of the car and walk to class.


It's now lunch time and I am walking towards Harry's room.

I have been eating lunch there every day more or less because I hate the cafeteria.

I knock gently on the door before entering and once I come in I see my Hazzy sitting at his desk grading papers.

Once he sees me he opens his arms and I walk over and come and sit on his lap.

He wraps his arms around my waist tightly as I straddle his lap.

"How was your day so far baby?"  He asks me in his deep voice.

"It was okay nothing to eventful happened." I tell him while giggling.

"Oh I'll give you something to laugh about." Harry said before sitting me on his desk and goes in between my legs and starts ticking me.

I start laughing crazy hard I have always been very ticklish.

"Stop s-s-stop" I say in between laughs.

"Hmm no I don't think I will" Harry says with a big smirk.

"P-lea-ase" I say still laughing hard.

"Hmm alright fine I think you've had enough." Harry says and stops kissing me before placing a kiss onto my lips.

I kiss back moaning a little bit at the sudden movement.

Suddenly we hear a big gasp from the doorway and we pull away immediately and look at the door and see Mr.Payne standing there with a very very very shocked look on his face.

Shit I must of forgotten to lock the door when I came in.

"What....the....fuck" Mr. Payne says

" Liam before you freak out let me explain." Harry says sounding strangely calm.

"Before I freak out? Harry trust me I'm already freaking out. You can't be making out with a student, do you want to lose your job?!?" Liam screams.

I look down. This is my fault. Harry is going to lose his job because of me.

"I know it looks bad Liam but your my best friend you know I'm a good guy just let me explain." Harry says.

" Fine you have two minutes to explain." Liam says as he walks over to the desk after closing the door.

Harry then goes on to explain how we started dating and what my parents were doing to me and now how we are in a relationship and are living together.

Liam's emotions change a lot throughout the story but by the end he no longer seems mad.

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