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Louis POV:

I wake up with a stiff back from sleeping with Harry on the couch and dry eyes from all the crying I did yesterday.

I look around the room and out the windows and see it's still light out and I'm the sun is just starting to set.

I'm still sat on Harry's lap and he's still asleep snoring a little bit with his lips slightly parted.

I smile at the cute man in front of me.

I take my small hand up to Harry's hair and start playing with his curls.

His hair is soft and smells like his apple scented shampoo.

After a few minutes of playing with his hair his eyes slowly start to flutter open.

He gives me a dimmpiley smile when he sees me.

"Good morning my darling." He says in his deep sexy morning voice.

"Morning hazzy." I say back before Harry pulls me into a short gentle kiss.

"How are you feeling little one?" He asks me and I subconsciously pout a little bit remembering what happened yesterday.

"Uhh fine." I say back lying slightly.

Being honest I'm still a little scarred from the lockdown and all yesterday but Harry doesn't need to know that.

Harry instantly knows I'm lying and pouts back at me.

"It's just going to take a bit of time baby boy but I promise soon it will all just be a bad memory." He says back and I put on a bit of a fake smile and nod.

"Alright now it's time for dinner munchkin. What is my little one craving tonight?" He asks me with a big grin.

Oh jeez he's going to force me to eat.

"I'm not really hungry." I tell him looking down.

"Aw I know baby but we have to get you to a healthy weight and the only way we can do that is by getting you to eat. So is pasta cool?" He asks.

"Yeah sure." I say back.

Harry wonders into the kitchen to start dinner and I just wait and go on my phone for a little while.

I text Niall who seems to be extremely worried about me but I just reassure him that I'll be fine...at some point.

And then I just watched some tv and I'm now waiting for Harry to tell me dinner is ready.

I would offer to help him cook but I think that would just end poorly due to my shit cooking skills so I just stay out of the kitchen.

About ten minutes later Harry calls me for dinner so I get off the couch and walk over to him.

Once I enter the kitchen I am met with the hugest plate of pasta I have ever seen at my seat.

"Harry what in the hell is that?" I ask and he laughs.

"well first of all no cussing and second of all that baby boy is your dinner." He tells me smiling.

"Harry thank you but that is way too much food." I tell him.

"Hmmm I think not." He says and pulls me onto his lap and starts feeding me.

Many complaints and bribes later the plate of food is about half way gone.

"Harry I'm done." I say.

"Fine fine. Good job baby." He says kissing my check before we stand up and bring out plates into the kitchen.

Thank You Mr.StylesWhere stories live. Discover now