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Harrys POV:

I watch Louis walk out of my class already missing having him in my arms already. But I couldn't be more happy that Louis said that he would be mine.

Louis was mine

Students come into class for class and I teach for the rest of the day. But all my mind could think about my perfect little Louis.

He would be coming over to my place later, I mean we would most likely just be doing work the whole time but I would do anything if it meant being close to Louis.

Sure I was a little scared over the fact that the school prohibited student teacher relationships. But i'm sure that we could make it work, we just had to try hard enough.

I was fuming when I heard that Louis dad hit him, who would do something like that to such a sweet inocent boy like louis. I was ready to beat the living shit out of him but I had to respect Louis wishes and not do anything about it. For now.

The day went by slow, I missed my baby.  When the last bell of the day rang I sat in my seat waiting for Louis, assuming he was just a few minutes late because class had gone over the bell.

However worry started to set it when I saw that he should have been here almost twenty minutes ago, I left my class to go find where he was and what was taking him so long.

Louis POV:

Once the bell rang I started walking to Harrys class when I was suddenly pushed up against the lockers. I gasp as my head hits the locker. I open my eyes to see who it was and I see none other then Nick Grimshaw holding me by my shirt on the lockers. I'm sure It wasn't too hard to do because I wasn't the tallest of people and Nick was huge.

I squirmed in his grip but he just pushed my harder into the locker. " Hey fat ass". He says which hurts my feelings because even though i'm small being called a fat ass almost everyday doesn't exactly help my body image issues.

Nicks then drops me on the floor and his two friend Jax and Noah come and start kicking the shit out of me.

" why do you even bother showing up to school, no one likes you and no one ever would like a worthless loser like you". Jax tells me

I curl up in a ball trying to cover my head the best I could and hoped they would just go away soon. They continue to kick my torso for the next five minutes still saying hurtful words until I hear a loud voice booming through the hallway.

" what the hell do you think you are doing" yells the voice that I have made out to be harry's.

As soon as the boys see harry they sprinted away Harry was going to follow them when he realized that it was me on the floor. I stayed curled up in a ball scared that they where going to come back. 

Tears flow down my cheeks as Harry rushes over to me. I flinch out of reflex.

" sh sh sh sh, it's okay baby I'm here now" Harry tells me as he picks me up and I wrap my legs around him like a child. He rubs my back and whispers sweet nothings into my ear as he walks back to his class room. I sob into his shoulder

Once we are in his room he sits at his desk chair with me in his lap now stradling him with my head on his shoulder. 

We stayed like this for a while until I started to calm down a little bit. He just pulled me closer in his arms telling me that it was going to be okay.

" good boy". He said once I stopped crying. The name sent butterflies to my stomach instantly. 

" lou baby why did they do that to you?" he asks me in a hushed voice.

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