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Louis POV:

" come on Lou it's only a few more questions, you can do it." Harrys says as he tries to encourage me to do my homework.

Harry has been making me study with him again, like every single day. I know he just wants me to do well in school but there is nothing I hate more then doing this work. It's just boring and pointless.

" Okay here how about for every question you get right, I will take away a question? How about that?" he asks trying to reason with me.

" fine." I groan back putting my head on the table.

Harry senses me still upset and picks me up from where I was sitting and then places me gently in his lap and then peppers little kisses all over my face and neck. I try to not laugh but I just start giggling as he keeps kissing me.

" theres my favorite sound". He says in between kisses at my giggle.

"Okay baby you are almost done with the questions come on i'll help you with them". He says to me.

" Okay, what is the dads name in To Kill A Mocking Bird". He asks me and I actually knew the answer to this one because Harry had been reading me the book for the past few weeks because he knew I wasn't reading it on my own.

" Atticus Finch". I respond knowing that I got it.

" See sweetheart I knew you could do it. Such a good boy." He says and then kisses me on the lips gently. 

I turn around in his lap so I had a leg on both sides of him. The kiss slowly got more heated but Harry was still always gentle with me. I start running my hands through Harry's hair pulling on it a little bit. He would grunt a little each time I did.

" Hmmmm really testing my limits are you princess." He whispers sexily in my each. His words send shivers down my spins.

Harry then moves his lips from my mouth down to my neck kissings and sucking gently. I moan at the movement. 

" such pretty noises for me little one". He says 

He leaves little hickeys on my neck after each one grunting "mine" before moving on to the next one.

I start to get a little overwhelmed because this was the first time I had ever done anything like this. I mean I have kissed a few boys before but nothing serious at all. I know I shouldn't be feeling overwhelmed because I trusted Harry and knew he would never do anything to hurt me but never the less my breathing started to pick up.

Harry noticed immediately and pulled away and picked me up and walked with me over to the couch and sat down with my legs wrapped around his waist.

" sh sh sh, it's okay little one, you did so good". He tells me rubbing my back.

" I'm sorry." I tell him

" For what?" he asks me a little surprised.

" For freaking out, you probably think i'm acting like a baby. I'm sor-" I ramble but Harry interrupts me.

" Louis stop, you have absolutely nothing to be sorry for, and you are a baby. My baby." He tells me and I just don't respond.

" Remember darling I told you we could go at whatever pace you want to, I am happy to just be with you at all. And I had a lot of fun today doing what we did so please do not say you are sorry because there is nothing to be sorry for at all." He told me.

" Thank you Hazzy." I tell him

" of course baby but don't think I forgot about the work we where doing before our make out sesh. We still have like five more questions to get through then we can do whatever you want". He tells me.

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