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Louis POV:

Harry and I are driving up to to camp sight that our trip is taking place on. We have been driving for the past three hours, I don't understand why they would have us go so far from the school. It's pointless.

Harry is driving us there, I do have my drivers licence but I don't really like to drive and I also don't even have a car. 

" are you excited for the trip little one?" Harry asks me 

" Hell no!" I respond, I was in a little bit of a bad mood because there was really nothing I want to do less then go on this trip.

Harry hits my thigh lightly, " language little one." he tells me in a stern voice. He doesn't like when I curse, which makes no sense because he does it all the time.

" sorry, I just really don't want to go." I tell him and he looks at me sympathetically and and rubs my thigh softly with the hand that was still on my leg.

" It won't be that bad, we most likely won't be able to be together a lot of the time but just text me when you want to and it will be okay." He tells me.

We where aloud to have our phones on the trip because apparently it's a safety hazard to take them away. 

We would be sleeping in bunks with like five kids and one teacher in each. I just hope that I don't have to sleep with Nick and his friends because heaven only knows what he would do to me if we where sleeping in the same room.

We just talk for the last two hours of the car ride, even though this trip was going to suck I liked being able to sit in the car with Harry for so long.

Once we arrive Harry walks around and opens my door for me before handing me my bag and then pointing to where I was supposed to go. Then he grabbed his bag and we had I had to go stand with all the other students while Harry had to stand with all the teachers.

" Welcome to the senior school trip students!" Mr.Payne yells out to all of us and a bunch of the students cheer while I just role my eyes, it's been two minutes and this whole trip is already bull shit.

I guess Mr.Payne was running this trip or something because he did all the talking for the next thirty minutes. He just was telling us the rules of the camp and showing me around the place.

" Okay now for all of your bunk mates." Mr.Payne says

"Alright bunk one..." Mr.Payne went on telling everyone their cabins, my name was yet to be called. 

" Okay for our last bunk we have Louis, Niall, Nick, Jax, Noah, and I will be your teacher in that cabin" Mr.Payne tells us.

Of course. Of course. Of course. I am with all my bullies, Nick had to of talked to Mr.Payne and asked for me to be in his bunk so he can hurt me. This can't be happening. No. No No.

Tears start to come to my eyes but no I am not going to cry. I'm not going to let the entire grade and my teachers see me cry over a bunk.

I just keep my head down and wait for my eyes to dry up.

A few seconds later I look up and my eyes meet Harrys and they calm me instantly. He gives me a sad look knowing i'm upset and then his sadness seems to turn to rage and he starts walking over to Mr.Payne.

Harrys POV:

I look at Liam as he starts to call out the cabin groups waiting to hear Louis name. I know how much Louis was already dreading coming on this trip so hopefully he would be happy with his cabin.

I hear him call Nialls name and then Louis and I feel slightly relived because I know that they are friends. My relief didn't last for long when I hear Liam call Nick and all of Nicks friends name to be in the same cabin as my baby.

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