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Louis POV:
One week later

The cold air blows against my face as I walk from my house to school. Its been a week since I have been able to go to Harrys place. When I got home last week my dad was fuming and after pushing me around a bit he grounded me for a week. So finally today I would be able to see Harry outside of school.

I walk into school doing my best to avoid Nick and his friends and just trying get to Harrys classroom with out anyone bothering me. Thankfully no one was really at school yet because I came early so I could see my Hazzy.

When I enter the room I see Harry with his glasses pushed up against his face and he was running his hands through his hair, he seemed to be reading a book and didn't notice me come in. I quietly sneak over to him wanting to surprise him.

Once I am close enough to him I jump into his lap, he seemed a bit scared at first because he didn't know it was me. But once he did he tightly wrapped his arms around my waist.

" Hey little one". He whispers in my ear as he plants little kisses on my face.

" Hey Hazzy, I missed you. I feel like I havent seen you in forever". I tell him before placing my head in his neck.

" I know this past week has been horrible only getting to see you when you are nearly falling asleep in my class". He says with a smirk.

" hey its not my fault your voice is so relaxing". I tell him while pouting.

He kisses the pout off my mouth before responding " no but seriously baby I think I may need to start tutoring you again, your grades are dropping". He tells me in a serious voice.

I groan in response," can't you just give me an A and then we can just hang out instead". I say already knowing his answer.

" no sweetheart but It will be fun we can do it at my place". He tells me

" Haz no studying has ever been fun". I giggle at him.

" hmm well maybe it will be this time". He smirks.

I glup. " you know Hazzy I have never really done anything like that". I tell him looking down a little embarrassed.

" Good, you're mine and that just proves it more". He tells me kissing my neck softly." and we can do whatever you are comfortable with, no worries baby". He tells me and I smile in response.

"okay I should get to class the bell rings in like two minutes and I don't need to get yelled at by Mr. Payne". I tell him

" Okay baby, I will see you in class later." he tells be before kissing my head and I get up and walk out of the room.


I walk towards the lunch room after science class, I really just wanted to take a nap in Harrys room but he told me he had a meeting during lunch so today I would have to eat in the cafeteria. I really didn't know where I was going to sit because Niall wasn't here today because he was out with his friend.

I didn't really have any other friends so I just walked to a table that no one was sitting at. I don't know why I was even coming to the cafeteria I didn't have lunch and I wasn't planing on buying any lunch either do I was just going to sit there and do nothing.

Just before I sit down I get pushed onto the ground by Nick, " what the Hell are you doing here loser". He asks me. I try to put on a brave face and respond" i'm just eating lunch Nick chill out". I tell him and immediately regret it because once I said it I feel a fist come into contact with my jaw.

I get up off the floor as fast as I can and sprint away before he can hit me again. He chases after me and I run to the bathroom with Nick hot on my tail. I lock myself in a stall and quickly pull out my phone to text Harry.

Louis: Harry?

Harry: Hey baby, hows lunch?

Louis: Bad Nick was bothering me so I ran to the bathroom and now I'm locked in the bathroom and he is trying to break in. Help.

When Harry didn't respond my eyes started to water while Nick kept kicking at my door and yelling at me. I guess Harry was just busy.

As the tears start to pour down my checks I hear the bathroom door open and I hear the banging on my stall stop.

" uh Mr. styles... hey I w-was just-" Nick starts and relief washes over my body when I realize that Harry came to save me and thats why he wasn't responding.

Before Nick can even finish his sentence I hear Harry punch him. " Nick I thought I warned you the last time to stop messing with Louis". Harry Yells.

" I wasn't doing anything Mr. Styles I promise" Nick lies to Harry.

" Nick I could hear you yelling at him from my outside of the bathroom now get out and never mess with him again or I promise you Grimshaw I will do a lot worse then punch you" Harry yells at Nick and I hear Nick mumble a yes sir before getting up and leaving.

"Baby?" Harry says and I just stay silent still scared that Nick was going to Hurt me.

" Baby can you open the door for me please? It's okay he's gone now" Harry begs me and I slowly unlock the door. Harry almost immediately picks me up and then sits down with me straddling him.

" I'm sorry for making you come get me." I tell him

" hey hey hey no sweetheart none of that. You are always my first priority". He tells me.

Harry then lifts my head off of his shoulder and looks at my jaw. I assume there is a bruise there from what Nick did at lunch. Harry gently kissed over my bruise a few time.

" I'm so so so sorry that he hurt you baby". He tells me and tears keep coming down my checks. He whips and kisses all tears away until I stop crying. He just keeps holding me and telling me that it was okay.

I sniffled every so often and I just keep thinking about Nick and my breathing starts to pick up a little bit. Harry notices instantly and starts rocking me in his arms but that wasn't helping my breathing just got faster and faster. If It kept at it I would have a panic attack.

I freak out even more thinking about having a panic attack but Harry then places my head on his chest and starts singing to me. This actually calmed me down a lot. He was really good at singing, I stopped thinking about my breathing and just focused on him singing to me.

Harry was singing a song I had never heard before but I just listened to each word while the song started to come to an end.

Sweet creature, sweet creature
Wherever I go, you bring me home
Sweet creature, sweet creature
When I run out of road, you bring me home
You'll bring me home

He finished the song still rocking me in his arms, my breathing was back to normal by the time the song was finished.

" You okay darling?" He asked me and I just nodded not wanting to let go.

"Okay, next period starts in five minutes but luckily you have english with me so I can keep an eye on you". He tells me while standing up with me in his arms. He put me down knowing we would have to go to class now.

While I didn't like learning english, I did like being able to watch Harry teach the class. He looked so hot in wearing his button up with the first few buttons undone which revealed his chest and a few of his tattoos.

All through class Harry kept looking at me to make sure I was okay, I think he was worried about what happened today. He winked at me every so often and each time he did I would just look down at my lap and blush.

Thank You Mr.StylesWhere stories live. Discover now