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Louis POV:

I rush up to my room as fast as i can, shutting my door quietly not wanting my parents to come in to yell at me.

I grab my pillow and shove my face into in squeling in joy.

I made out with harry styles

Harry FUCKING styles

I mean yes my english teacher but more importantly Harry Styles. Harry Styles kissed me.

I don't know why he would want to kiss me, i'm just me... boring old me. I guess Harry didn't think I was just boring.

We never really talked about that fact that he's my teacher. Its not allowed at school or really anywhere I think, but I mean i'm eighteen so it's legal...I think.

I will talk to harry about it after school tomorrow.

I then get ready for bed and try to go to sleep but all I could think about was Harry...my Harry.

The next day-

As I walk into school still all I could think about was harry, I had his class first. so even if it's just watching him teach I still got to spend time with him.

I reach the door to harry's classroom and I notice it's already full of students. I frown a little bit realizing that I wouldn't be able to see him alone.

I walk into the classroom and see harry sitting at his desk greeting students as they walked in. I smiled at him as I walk past his desk. But he just ignores me and looks down. What? why would he do that? Did he regret yesterday?

I try to stop the tears from falling out of my eyes but I fail as a few tears slip down my checks as I sit down in my seat.

I do my best to keep my head down so no one can tell I am crying, until I feel a tap on my shoulder.

I turn around and see Niall, i'm thankful he's here because I really needed a friend right now but i wouldn't be able to explain what was wrong to him.

"What's wrong lou?" Niall asks me his voice sounding worried, thinking about it just made more and more tears fall.

Niall pulls me into his arms trying to comfort me to the best of his abilitys. Then I hear Niall speak," Uhh mr.styles louis and I need to go to the bathroom". he says. I could feel harrys eyes on me and I tried my best to avoid eye contact at all costs.

Niall grabbed my hand and lead me out of the classroom and brought me to the bathroom where he let me cry it out he thankfully didn't ask too many questions.

About ten minutes later we thought It would be best to get back to class, I look in the mirror and It was pretty clear that I had been crying. My eyes were red and there were dried tears all over both of my checks.

At this point I didn't even care what I looked like I really just wanted to go home, but I couldn't just go home my parents where there and I couldn't tell them the reason why I didn't wanna stay. So I would just have to power through the rest of the day not thinking about it.

We walk back into the class room, niall was standing right behind me with one of his hands on both of my shoulders walking me to my chair.

I look over to Mr.styles quickly who's face looked to be coverd in jealousy. I wonder why. I just sat down at my chair and just spaced out for the rest of the class.

Once english finished I wanted to get out of there asap but as I was leaving I hear none other then harrys voice calling my," Louis, stay back please". he says in a not so nice voice.

I sit back down at my desk waiting for him to say something," look louis about yesterday, I realized that I shouldn't of done that you're my student and will never be anything more so you can just forget about what happened yesterday". He tells me and my heart breaks as he says that to me.

I guess I was stupid for believing anyone could ever like me. I'm just a loser.

I nod my head not trusting my voice and then I leave the room and leave the school building. I know my parents would freak out when they saw me at home but I couldn't be in the same place with harry without balling my eyes out.

I get home to see my dad sitting on the couch beer in hand," what the hell are you doing here boy?!" he yells at me and I flinch slightly at the tone of his voice.

"Uh i just didn't feel well and needed to come home". I tell him and he immediately can tell i'm lying.Shit.

He walks over to me and punches me in the eye. I fall to the ground holding my eye and groaning in pain. I don't even try to fight back knowing that my dad was 100x stronger then I was.

"Never lie to me again you little shit, if I ever see that you are skipping school again, you will be in a lot more pain then you are now, and that louis is a promise." he whispers the last part in my ear before kicking me and leaving the house.

I sit there for a few minutes just in pain before I walk upstairs to look at where my dad punched me hoping that there wouldn't be a bruise.

Just my luck as I look in the mirror seeing my upper check was bleeding and already started to be forming black and blue spots around it. I sigh before lying in my bed hoping to be able to get some sleep today.

The next Morning-

I wake up late because I forgot to set an alarm, I rush to get ready and then sprint out the door trying to get to my first class on time. Which sadly was english with harry. Even just thinking about what happened makes my eyes water.

I was only a few minutes late to class but as I open the door to the classroom all eyes are on me.

I look down praying that no one could see my bruise even though it was definitely visible.

I hear Harry gasp a little bit as I walk to my desk ignoring harry's eyes which still seemed to be glued to me.

I put my head down on my desk not really wanting to talk to anyone today and I just hoped that the day would go by fast.

Thank You Mr.StylesWhere stories live. Discover now