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Louis Pov:

I wake up from a nightmare my breathing is fast and i'm scared.

" Lou?" Harry asks while rubbing his eyes and sitting up from his chair. Shit I woke him up.

" Um y-yeah?" I ask back trying not to sound scared. I didn't want to seem like a baby to Harry.

" What's wrong little one?" He asks. He starts to get up and walk over to me. He wasn't allowed to sleep in the bed with me at the hospital just because it wasn't good for my ribs according to Andy.

So last night before I went to sleep Harry had to get out of bed and then he slept on the chair next to my bed.

" n-n-nothing." I say

" Louis what happened?" he asks sounding worried.

I guess I should just tell him.

" I had a nightmare." I tell him with my head down.

Harrys face softens when he hears my response. He then pulls up his chair next to my bed and grabs my hand.

" It's alright baby. It's going to be alright, just try and calm your breathing for me sweetheart." He says while kissing my hand softly.

" Please." I say to him meaning I want him to get in bed with me. I needed him I didn't care if it could hurt me, I wanted him to hold me.

"I can't baby." He says and I start crying.

"Please Harry." I say

Harry whips my tears with his thumb and then presses the call button on the wall.

A few seconds later Charlie walks in.

" Hey there kiddo. What's wrong?" He asks and I don't respond i'm too busy trying to get Harry to hold me.

" He had a nightmare and wants me to get in bed with him." Harry says and Charlie just gives me a sad look.

" Aw buddy " He says

I look at both of them scared and mad. Why can't Harry just get in with me, it won't hurt me.

"Alright Harry you can get in with him, but not for too long just a few minutes." Charlie says

Harry quickly gets in the bed behind me and pulls me into his lap.

He pulls me against his chest and rubs my back.

" I know baby I know."" He says as I just keep crying.

I have been here for like a week but I just want to go home. I mean sure Charlie is nice and all but I don't want to be here I want to just go home.

" I w-wanna go home." I sniffle out.

" I know Lou, but we have to make sure that you are healthy before we go home." Harry tells me.

" I'm fine. It's not like this is the first time i've gotten beat up. I'm used to it so just take me home." I tell him.

I see Charlie and Harry share a look and then Andy walks over to me and then puts something in my drip.

" Alright Louis. That will help with the pain." Charlie tells me and I just grip Harry tighter.

He continues to rub my back and kiss my head every few seconds.

I start to feel my eyes getting tired. I'm trying not to fall asleep because I know when I wake up that Harry won't be in bed with me anymore, he will be back in that chair.

Harry senses me trying to stay awake and say "just sleep little one, I will be here when you wake up, i'm not going anywhere. I promise."

Thats all it took for me to fall asleep holding on to Harry tight afraid that he will be one when I wake up.

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