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Louis Pov:

I sit up in my bed, rubbing my eyes. I look around the rest of the cabin and no one else was awake.

I pull out my phone to check the time, and see that it was only 7:15 no one else would be up until nine. I'm not sure why I am awake so early but I just used it to my advantage.

I walk over to Harry's bed, he was sleeping with just a pair of joggers on and no shirt. Him being shirtless was one of my favorite sights. He had a hard chest that lead done to his distinguished abs and just below that he had a perfect V-line that was to die for. Is torso was covered in a bunch of tattoos. 

I just watched him sleep for a few minutes before I decided that I would wake him up.

I rubbed my hand on his shoulder and down to his chest, he groaned a little bit before fluttering his eyes open. Once he sees me he smiles and pulls out his phone. He saw that everyone was asleep so if we started talking in the cabin it would wake everyone up.

Harry: Good morning baby

Louis: Morning Haz

Harry: Why don't we go on a walk or something so we can actually talk out loud?

I just look at him and nod.

Harry slipped a shirt over his his head and I pouted a little bit knowing that I wasn't going to be able to star at him anymore.

We both put our shoes on and walk out of the cabin.

We walk for a little while until we are out of sight of any of the cabins. Once we are Harry pins me against a tree and presses his lips against mine hungerly.

He pulls away for a second " I have missed doing this so much yesterday." He whispers sexily before re-connecting our lips. He slips his tongue into my mouth becoming dominate over the kiss.

He presses our bodies together with one of his legs in between mine. 

I take my hands and push them up into Harry's shirt, touching his toned stomach. I explore all around under his shirt as Harry moves his lips down to my neck. He nips parts of my skin softly and keeps moving around my neck sucking and kissing until he reaches on part of my neck that felt really good when he kissed it.

I started panting and moaning as he kept kissing on that spot. I could feel him smirk as my moans got louder and louder.

I could feel Harry hardening against my thigh and I myself started to get hard too.

I bucked my hips a little bit on Harrys leg looking to created a little bit of friction. 

Harry taps my thigh lightly saying to stop. I knew he wanted me to stop because he wanted to be in control. I have noticed that about him, he is very do dominate especially sexualy. It was hot.

Harry then started rubbing himself on me signaling that I could do the same.

So I started rubbing my hard on against Harrys. I could feel him through his pants and he was big. Like really big.

" So good for me." Harry says as I shut my eyes moaning.

We continued to rub on each other until I started to feel my climax coming.

" Har- Harry c-can I?" I asked permission.

" Yeah baby come for me. Come for daddy." He says and that sent me over the edge. I came hotly in my pants, Harry following very soon after.

This was the farthest that Harry and I have gone. Well actually the farthest I have gone with anyone. 

Once we both come down from our highs, I rest my head on Harrys shoulder panting. Harry was doing the same, rubbing my back at the same time.

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