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Harry's POV:

Today is the day that I get to take my baby home. To our home.

Louis did eventually eat his three meals yesterday, even if it took a while, meaning that he could come home today and Louis couldn't want to leave anymore.

" Come on Hazzy lets go." Louis says trying to get up from the bed.

" Woah woah woah hold on Louis. I know you get to go home but you are still hurt and Charlie thinks it's best that you take a wheelchair out of here." I tell him softly pushing him back into the bed.

" What no way." He says seeming to get a little mad.

" It's for your safety little one." I tell him and then Charlie walks in with the wheel chair.

Louis face seems to change from anger to worry when he sees the chair.

" No no no no no." Louis kept saying as he pushed himself to the back of the bed away from Charlie and the chair.

" What wrong with the wheelchair Kiddo?" Charlie asks louis.

"Thats embarrassing and i'm not using it." Louis tells us.

" But you can't walk Louis it's not good for you injuries." Charlie tells him.

Then it hits me. I can just carry him, i'm sure he would be more comfy if I did and I like to have him in my arms anyways so it's a win win.

" Hey baby what about if I carry you? Would that be any better?" I ask.

Louis just nods and I walk over and lift him up. He wraps his legs around my waist and puts his head on my shoulder.

" Okay kid i'm going to let you leave but only if you promise me that you will keep eating." Charlie tells Louis who again just nods.

" I also will be stoping by Harry's place every week to check on you and your health." He continues.

" Okay Charlie. Thanks for everything." Louis says.

" No problem kid." Charlie says.

" Yeah thanks man. See you later." I say and then fist bump Charlie before leaving.

I carry Louis down to the parking lot and then place him in the front seat and tell him to buckle his seat belt.

" Exited to go home sweetheart?" I ask him.

" Yes yes yes." He says smiling.

I start the car and we start driving to my place.

I look over at Louis and he seems to be getting upset. I don't know why, he was just so happy to be leaving.

" Whats wrong Lou?" I ask him

" Well um i'm sorry that you have to take me into your house. I know i'm a burden." He tells me and his eyes start to water a little bit. I hate seeing him cry it breaks my heart.

When I hear him say that I gasp and then pull the car over so I could focus on him not driving.

" Louis what are you talking about?" I ask him. I'm still in shock. Does he really think that?

" I know that just may feel bad for me so you are letting me live with you." He says

" Baby you could not be further from the truth. I want you to move in with me because I love you and want to be able to protect you from everything. I'm not just ' letting you live with me' I'm so so so happy to have you living with me." I tell him.

He just nods and I wrap my arms around him tight.

" I don't want to hear you talk like that again. Okay?" I say.

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