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Harrys Pov:

Later that day-

I just finished teaching my last class of the day and now i'm just waiting for Louis to come over to my classroom.

"Hey Harry" I look up and see louis standing in the doorway. Looking cute in his big jumper.

"Hey lou, ready to get to work?" I ask. He groans at the question but the nods. I chuckle at his cute action.

He sits down and starts to pull all his work out. Just then the janitor walks in " hey mr.styles, sorry to have to kick you out, but I have to clean and close up this class room". He tells me. I look at louis and wonder where we could do his work.

"Its alright" I respond to the janitor. Once he leaves to grab his stuff I turn to Louis, "Do you maybe wanna go to my flat to do your work there?" I ask him, hopefully he says yes because I would like to spend some more time with this boy.

His face seems to light up at the question,"sure" Louis says in an exited voice. Relief washes over me when I hear his response.

"Alright I can drive us there, it's only a few minutes away" I tell him. Louis nods and starts to gather his stuff.

In the car-

"So do you live alone or with a roommate?" he asks me trying to start a convo.

"Nope, I live alone". I respond with a smile

A few minutes later I look at Louis who was looking out the window and he looked like he was deep into thought. I wondered what he was thinking about or if I should ask.

"Watcha thinking about?" I ask. He doesn't respond. Still spaced out looking out the window " Lou" I say again placing my hand on his shoulder. This gets his attention and he looks at me.

" I'm sorry, what did you say". Louis responds still a little bit spaced out.

"I just asked what you where thinking about, Are you alright?" I say

"Uh yeah Im fine just thinking about my parents". He tells me with his head down. I frown knowing that he was a little upset.

"They still fighting as much?" I ask in a soft tone.

He nods "Maybe more actually". He responds quietly.

"I'm sorry Lou, but I mean you could always come over to my place if you need to, I know I am your teacher, but I would like to consider us friends, right?" I tell him trying to make him feel at least a little bit better.

"Yeah...friends" He responds still seeming a little upset.

I pull into the driveway of my flat, Its not a huge place because only I live there but I would say it is a pretty nice place.

"We're here Lou" I tell him taking my hand of of his shoulder.

He nods and gets out of the car. We walk up to the front door and I open the door for him. We walk inside and I tell him he can sit at the table so we can do work.

"Would you like something to drink?" I ask him

"uh water would be nice". He responds

I grab a bottle of water and walk over to hand it too him" one water for Mr. Louis tomlinson" I say in a fancy funny voice.

He smiles and thanks me.

We worked for about 30 minutes before Louis started to get board.

"Can we pleeeeeeeeeeeaaaasssseeee take a break Harry". He begs

"Sure Lou, why don't you go sit on the couch and put something on the TV" I tell him. Louis nods fast and then runs to the living room. I chuckle before walking over to sit next to him. I saw that he was watching Riverdale. My LEAST favorite show.

Thank You Mr.StylesWhere stories live. Discover now