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Louis Pov:

It's the last day of the school trip and everyone is packing up their things and we are getting ready to get on the bus.

I haven't talked to Harry since last night. I still can't believe that he just watched Nick do that to me and didn't do anything. He promised that he wouldn't let Nick do anything to me this trip and he broke that promise. He has tried to talk to me multiple times but I mostly just ignore him or I will tell him i'm busy.

I decided that I am going to take the bus home because I drove up with Harry and there was no way I was going to stay in the car with him for five hours if we aren't even talking.

" Okay everyone on the bus." Mr.Payne yells to the group and we all start walking towards to bus. 

I almost reach the steps of the bus when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn expecting to see Niall but I am greeted by Harry.

" What are you doing?" He asks me in a confused voice.

" Um getting on the bus." I tell him with a hint of sass in my voice.  

He seems to be a little angered at my response.

" Like hell you are. Lets go." He tells me and I just roll my eyes.

" Um nope I'm good Mr.Styles." I tell him and turn and get on the bus.

I walk to the end of the bus and sit on the open seat next to Niall sighing a little bit.

Harry then marches on the bus looking a little less then pleased.

" Louis I am your teacher and you are going to listen to me. Get off the bus. Now." He says with his voice full of authority.

Who does he think he is playing the teacher card on me.

" Oh so now your teacher, Huh? Why are you suddenly not my teacher when I am getting the shit kicked out of me? What about then? Huh Mr. Styles are you not my teacher then because I don't think a teacher would just watch their student get beat up." I say and Harry just looks at me shocked and guilty.

Why is he guilty now? He could of helped me.

" You don't understand" He says a little quieter.

At this point almost the whole bus was just staring at us.

" Oh I think I do." I tell him.

" Louis c'mon let me explain on the ride home." He says looking upset at me.

" No " I say back. I knew Harry didn't like when people said no to him but at this point I don't care.

" Please?" He says to me and I look up at him and see that his eyes are watering a little bit. I start to feel bad, I have never seen him cry. 

"Fine" I mumble before standing up and walk off the bus.

I don't look back at Harry as I walk. I am still pissed that he did that to me, even if I agreed to drive with him.

I get into the car and look out the front windshield and watch Harry who was walking towards the car with my bags in his hands. He's always a gentealman even if we are not on the best terms.

He puts my stuff in the trunk of the car and then gets in the drivers seat.

" Thank you baby." He says refering to the fact that I agreed to drive with him

" Don't call me that." I say even though I do adore the names he calls me.

" Just let me explain ba- I mean Louis." He corrects himself.

" Go" I tell him and he just nods and starts talking.

" Trust me, I understand why you are mad at me. To be honest i'm mad at myself to but there is a reason for why I couldn't help you Louis. I promise you I would of help you if I could but before the trip even started Liam told me that he talked to the principal about how Nick was bullying you, but he said that we couldn't do anything to Nick until Liam saw that he was actually hurting you. I told him it was a bad idea and I didn't want to do it, but he said it was the only way that we could get Nick to stop hurting you for good. So we needed to see him hurt you and when he pushed you out of bed Louis, it broke my heart that I couldn't help you but I had to resist because I knew if I did Nick would just get to keep hurting you. You have to believe me, I wanted to help you so so so bad and after I didn't I help terrible for letting him to that to you Louis. After he left the cabin I went after him and beat the shit out of him until he passed out." Harry tells me.

I just look at him shocked. He didn't help me because he couldn't help me. He did it for me.

" Really?" I ask him

" Yes baby I promise." He told me.

Instead of responding I just unbuckled my seatbelt and got into his lap and burried my head in his neck.

" I'm sorry Hazzy, I thought that you just didn't love me anymore and that was why you let me get hurt." I tell him

" No sweetheart that would never happen, I love you forever and always." He told me kissing the top of my head.

We sat like this for a little while before I went back to my seat and Harry started to drive us home.

He kept his hand rested on my upper thigh, his fingers playing with the fabric of my shorts.

I started to fall asleep because I couldn't really sleep last night I was really only thinking about what happened with Harry.

" Go to sleep little one, I will wake you up when we are home." Harry told me and I was little upset knowing that when he said home he meant that I would be going back to my place where i'm sure I was not going to have a good time.

But never the less I drifted to sleep.

A few hours later I feel myself being woken up by someone rubbing my thigh and whispering something to me.

" Lou, wake up we are home sweetheart." Harry says in a soft voice.

I just groan not wanting to wake up I was never a morning person. Even though I think it is actually almost night right now.

A few seconds later I feel myself being lifted out of the car by big strong arms that I assume are Harrys.

I wrap my legs around his waist and rest my head on this shoulder and just let him carry me.

Wait. If I am home that means that Harry was carrying me into my house. My dad would freak seeing me being carried in by Harry. I haven't come out to my dad yet because he is a total not okay with anyone being gay.

So i'm sure he would not be happy seeing me getting carried in by a man, none the less one that happens to be my english teacher that I am dating.

I jolt my eyes open when I hear the door to the house open. 

I calm down when I realize that we are at Harry's house not mine.

I was actually glad to be here and not at my house, even though I am almost one hundred percent sure that this would cause a problem at home tomorrow, I didn't care I just wanted to my with my Hazzy tonight.

I feel my self being laid down in Harrys bed. I groan a little bit not wanting to be out of Harry's arms.

" Hold on princess I just need to get the other bags from the car then I will be back." He tells me and I just hum and he leaves.

A few minutes later I feel the bed dip and then Harry's arms wrap around my waist and my body being pulled against his.

" Good night beautiful. I love you so much." He says and then kisses my head.

" I love you too." I say very quietly due to my tierdness.

After a few seconds later I fall asleep dreaming about Harry.

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